Chapter 8

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(The picture made by me UnU)

3rd person pov
As George choked back a sob Sapnap just stood there in shock. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, was he really... Dead?

Dreams?  Pov
It was bright outside of the building...
Too bright. I couldn't see anywhere else to go and I knew perfectly well that I couldn't go back inside the mysterious building. However I did see two pepole  enter the building. They both looked slightly familiar, and not to mention the one in the goggles looked kinda cute.

Wait what was I thinking? I don't even know who they are they could be bad pepole for all I know.

I had explored a little bit and I had found a hole in the floor. It looked like a deep hole but... It wasn't naturally spawned. It was small enough for me to fit down it though. I debated whether or not to go down it for a little bit.

After some debating I decided that I would go down it. I pulled out my potato with my now not obsidian hand. I looked down the hole and squeezed my eyes shut and jumped.

"...and that's how I got to where I am now!"(Just imagine that it's glitched I'm lazy.)

3rd person pov
Dream(?) had stated in a cheerful voice.
The spiders only hissed in response and went back to there mangled suffering.

Dream had jumped into the hole and had fell into a small body of water. All if his lower half has turned to obsidian and whenever it even starts to turn back to normal it just turns back to obsidian again.

Dream had tried calling for help but then had later realized that nobody could understand him and nobody had heard him. He would just have to wait until someone or something comes down here.

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