Chapter 4

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Back with the Smp

It was a quiet day for the Dream team, well what remains of them. Bad didn't want to be a part of the others after he heard what they had said about Dream.

So that left George and Sapnap. They thought about changing there name but what would they change it too? So they sat in comfortable silence.

"Hey George." Sapnap said as he looked over at his friend.
"Hmm?" George hummed as he looked away from the strands of the carpet he had been platting.
"Do you think we should go and see Dream, you know apologize and all that." Sapnap uttered to George just loud enough to hear.

At the mention of Dreams name he looked away, yeah they had both fought with him before he got sent to prison and they had both helped the others to get him into the prison but he never thought that he would fall for it...
He had hurt so many but he went in there not because he was forced, not because he was hurt. Because George had said he wanted to show him something.

The guilt hit him like a wave once he got back up and calmed himself, it hit him again. He sometimes think that it would drown him, he sometimes thought that he wouldn't get up, but he did he always did.

"So...?" Sapnap asked snapping George out of his trance.
"Shure." George replyed ready for whatever would be in store at the prison.

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