Chapter 14

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3rd Person pov
Its been a couple of minutes since Dream and Ghostbur had given them there flower necklaces, they liked them , no not the fake like where your little sister or brother brought you some thing and you have to pretend to like it, this was a general like.
Dream stretched his wings, he had never atchually used them before, he hadn't experimented whit what he could do with them.
"Dream...?" Ghostbur asked the slightly taller male, he was unsure on what he was about to do.
"Dream!" Ghostbur shouted after dream as dream shot off into the air. He didn't mean to shoot off into the clouds. But, he didn't want to go back down afraid that Ghostbur and the others will be mad at him, but yet again he didn't want to stay up in the air he didn't like highs or being alone. So he just hovers there's His oversized wings flapping to keep him up in the air. His wings were made out of  lava, but not proper lava, they were hot yes, but you couldn't get seriously burned by touching them.

3rd person ground Pov
The others were startled by the sudden shout of dreams name they rushed over to see what was wrong with the ghosts,  but when they got there only one of the ghosts were in sight.

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