Chapter 12

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Dream pov
I took another step into the lava. I could feel the lava slowly burning my skin off, it hurt so bad. But this is what they would of wanted... right? I inhaled some lava I could feel the lava entering my system. My lungs burnt from the inside out.

Not a single word could describe how painful it was. To have the lava slowly burning my skin and insides. My body was screaming at me to get out. Get out and save yourself. But instead I swam further away from the prison. My vision was slowly blurring out. I was so saw... And tired, one nap won't hurt right...?

3rd person Pov
Dream bolted upright. He swiftly looked around the room he was in. He was laying under the covers of a golden yellow  bed in a cozy looking room.
There was a fire crackling noisily on a side of the room. There was a yellow and white rug in the middle of the room, the walls were pretty blank aside from a couple of photos.

Upon closer notice he realised that the boy who, he once thought was in a blue shirt, but it was in fact a jumper, and the guy in the white shirt, was no longer with him.

Dream started to panic, had he done something wrong to upset them? Did they not like him so they dumped him off at some random room? Dream missed the comforting smile of the boy in the blue jumper. He felt alone and unwanted, he pulled his knees up to his chest and started to cry, his tears were warm and slightly comforting. His tears fell from under his mask and onto the bed. The bedsheets caught fire, since his tears were lava.

In a panic he threw the sheets onto the floor completely forgetting that he was fireproof.

Sapnap Pov

I still couldn't believe it, its been 15 minutes since Dream fell asleep. We brought him home and laid him on the bed, we called Ghostbur and Phil over since Ghostbur was a literal ghost and Phil helped Ghostbur out when he first became a ghost.

"So have you checked the prison cell to make Shure that it is actually dream?" Philza asked.

"Yes, we were there, and Sam made Shure that is actually impossible to break out of the prison..actually he wasn't there, when we went there we had to let ourselves in and figure out the Redstone witch let me tell you, took hours." I replied trying my best to get the image of the bloody cracked wall out of my head.

"Do you smell smoke?" Ghostbur asked switching his attention from his pet sheep Friend.

"Now that you mention it, is does." George pointed out. "The fireplace isn't that much of a fire to be able to smell smoke, plus its got a chimney."

By now the smell of smoke was clearly obvious, as we looked up we could see some of the planks were starting to set alight.

"Wait, wasn't there a fireplace in Dream's room..." I pointed out.

A look of panic was struck across everybody face, well apart from Ghostbur he was trying to keep Friend calm. As soon as Phil had fully processed the statement he dashed away to go and get some water buckets, not before telling Ghostbur to get himself and friend out of the house and far away from the fire.

As soon as Philza had left the room we dashed upstairs to go and see what the fire was caused by. We instantly dashed to dreams room as seeing smoke coming out of the room. George practically kicked the door down. When we opened the door the first thing that we laid eyes on was Dream sat down and hugging his knees to chis chest holding a burnt potato- at least i thought it was a burnt potato it was some sort of black object. (And yes Rocky will be used throughout the whole book lmao. I thought that it would be funny to put in and now i don't know hot to take it out now that Dream has grown attached to it so much lol)

"Dream!" He looked up at his name being called, there was more lava running down from his mask than usual. Even through the mask he looked sad.

"Come here Dream!" George called out to dream as he open his arms. Dream looked relived at this he instantly ran over and held onto George like his life depended on it.

Dreams Pov

They came back up to see me! They just looked worried as well, so they weren't disappointed! I was happy at this i smiled under the mask and held onto the blue boy like if i ever let go i would never see him again. I was only slightly taller than him, but i still wrapped my arms under his, i think i might of picked him up a little bit at one point but he didn't seem to mind.

"Ummm...George, there's still a raging fire spreading around the house-" The guy in the white shirt pointed out.

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