Part 11

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Y/N stood before them all. The Rangers watched him with looks of high expectations and absent mercy as they lined the streets, balconies, and rooftops.

Monroe kneeled beside the young boy; he spoke in a low growl. Y/N could tell he was angry from the pair of coyote ears atop his head folding back.

"Get ready." He asked, not ordered, handing the ten-year-old boy his revolver.

Y/N assumed an amateur's form while he held the revolver. His (Hair Color) brows furrowed into a focused glare, yet his heart pounded against his chest, and he was on the brink of vomiting.

A stranger was laid before him, gagged and blindfolded. He was struggling while he gave off muffled sobs.

"There's only room for one kind of person in this world," Monroe announced; he slid his hat back onto his head. "a murdering, raping, low-life punk is not one of them."

The Rangers gave no response because he did not speak to them; he spoke to the boy, Y/N.

It was a harsh lesson on the unforgiving world and its inhabitants, but it was necessary.

Standing behind Y/N, Monroe laid a hand on his shoulder to whisper advice.

"Take a deep breath, hold it tight, and don't pull the trigger... squeeze it."

Step by step, Y/N did so. He took a deep breath, and his churning stomach settled. He held the wooden pistol grip tight, allowing him to steady his aim and forget his pounding heart. He next laid the pad of his finger on the trigger and slowly applied pressure.

The sights line up with the bound criminal; meanwhile, the hammer pulled back along with the trigger until a loud bang echoed through the town.

The Rangers were satisfied as they watched the criminal squirm in agony. The hole in his chest supplied a steady flow of blood that stained the dirt beneath him until finally, he laid still and silent.

Monroe gently pulled the weapon from Y/N, who stood frozen and staring.

"With enough practice, it'll become as easy as breathing..." Monroe stated. He remained beside Y/N with a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

The body was dragged out of town for all to see; his public execution and remains would serve as a reminder to those who would dare cross the line.

"Nice job, kid..."

The old Ranger flicked the tip of his hat in greeting; meanwhile, others emerged from the bar behind him; they held drinks, cigarettes, or weapons.

Monroe signaled to them with a flick of his head; they began to gradually settle down, but when they did, it was one of the things that made them so dangerous.

They blended in so well an average person would confuse them for a Hunter at most and a citizen of Vacuo at the least.

"The lines have been buzzing the past few days." Monroe said; he next held his cigarette with a pinch. "Guessing that's because of you." He gestured to Y/N with the brown roll.

"That's right." Y/N nodded, he saw Monroe raise a brow in surprise, and the Rangers shared hushed words amongst themselves.

"Well..." The faunus man sighed; his lips then cracked into a small smile. "Strange times we live in. What brings you back?"

Y/N answered simply and evenly. "Family."

Monroe's lip gave a slight twitch. He hummed with a nod of his head; he next looked up to the crest of the small mountain with thought. "They're still there. Right where we left em'."

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