Part 4

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"Looks like he isn't staging any heists where he's going."

The town's militia watched from the rooftops as the newcomer walked off into the dangerous unknown. He followed his shadow out of town; nobody knew where was a problem.

"The guy comes out of Vale for a bowl of stew then just ups and leaves... what do you make of that??"

"I know it means you owe me twenty lien."

A small group of friends chatted amongst themselves while watching the unknown man leave. Amid their jokes and general horsing around was a pair of eyes, narrowing like a hawk.

"Hey, at least he isn't one of those Branwens."

"Who says he ain't? That lot can squeeze in with anyone."

"Ey' Sangria, what do you think?"

The small gathering of friends looked out to a woman; she watched his figure soon disappear with a growing realization.

"I think you idiots are still on duty." Slinging her rifle over her shoulder, she stepped off the edge of the roof to make her way to the blacksmith.

Pushing the shop doors open with a harsh shove, she successfully caught the owner's attention along with everyone else's.

A bell hanging over the arching door frame rung as the door slapped it; it was the only sound to accompany the jingle of steel spurs at the heel of her boots.

"Oh, laddie." The blacksmith muttered under his breath, catching the attention of a young customer. "You best run along now..."

"Huh??" A young man whipped his head back and forth between the two individuals; he relented to dodging the conversation entirely by zipping away.

"Adrian..." The woman gave a deep sigh. "Just what in the hell were you thinking??"

Adrian, the blacksmith, replied innocently. "Ohh, I'm afraid I don't recollect..."

"Bullshit." She cursed. "What's he doing walking out with your gear?"

"Ahhh, that one." Adrian grew a smile. The twinkle in his eyes not wavering one bit. "He's just going out for a bit of huntin'; he should be back soon."

Sangria gave a deep sigh with a roll of her eyes. "Listen, it's my job to take care of everyone. So what you did could be another life on our hands."

Adrian released a hardy chuckle as if what she just said wasn't acknowledged at all.

She shook her head with an annoyed sigh. "I can't get anywhere with you, I swear."

The elder faunus hummed with a nod; he turned away to scribble into a notebook filled with transactions and the like. "It's nothing a good Huntsman can't fix, so settle down before you hurt yourself."

"He's not." Sangria said, her emerald eyes narrowed in growing anger.

Adrian huffed with indifference. "He sure had me fooled." He said sarcastically.

The woman pinched the bridge of her nose with a heavy exhale. "Anything happens; it's on you."

She got a dismissive wave in response. "Anyone of those Atlas kids you mentioned comes around tell em' I close at eight... If they come at all." The smithy muttered and went back to business as usual, unaffected by the angered woman.

Sangria left, ignoring the several stares as she did so. Leaning against a post with a tired groan, she stared off into the direction the stranger left; her eyes scanned the horizon where a distant mesa could be seen.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now