Part 71

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One month later, after a small scolding from Sangria and a visit to Adrian, Y/N was set straight.

The bounty for the colony was a lot to say the least. Usually a team of Hunters would have had a few hit and runs on the colony, but since Y/N was alone he didn't need to split the five digit sum among absent teammates.

That doesn't mean he kept the entirety of the generous reward to himself. He split half with April to cover the cost of dust (and to show a little more appreciation), while the other half was used for the repair of his weapons.

He was left with a little pocket change for a celebratory dinner with Sangria. His trip was a success after all.

But one thing on his mind irked him, and that was Ludwig. His absence since the bounty was worrying, making the experienced Hunter wonder if he was going mad from the cosmic energy he had released.

But as the month passed, his worry faded into curiosity. Just what was Ludwig doing here?

Nevertheless, Y/N kept it on the backend for now. After everything he did to try and communicate with him, all he would get is the strange echo from beyond. He wasn't going to waste his time trying something he might regret.

Now, after another month of trying, Y/N was sat at the bottom of Shady Springs, thinking, waiting.

He stared at the massive boulder that had been giving him so much trouble as of late.

The size and age of the rock was immense, he was sure he wouldn't be able to lift it even with everything he had.

And he also waited for Sable. The Maiden was always strict about her time, but now she was the one late to their meeting.

After some time of Y/N having a staring contest with the boulder, he heard a patter of crumbling rocks.

Coming down from the mountain with a light jacket to counter the chill in the air was Sable. Her condition caused immediate concern for Y/N.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked as he saw the dark rings under her eyes.

As she left the question unanswered, Y/N shifted his gaze to her hair. The dark locks had begun to grow into a boyish hair style, pushing Y/N's worry further.

"The-" She paused just after speaking to lower her tone. "The nightmares. Do they... ever go away?"

Y/N never really had to answer such a question before. But to his friend, he was sure to answer with nothing but the truth.

"Not for me, no." He cleared his throat, with a fist to wipe a speckle of dirt from his cheek. "It's-too much to forget."

"So that's a no." The woman scoffed with a shake of her head.

"It means it depends on the person." Y/N told sternly, causing her spark of aggravation to settle. "I knew a man-a friend. His name was Valtr... he endured stuff I couldn't even imagine, and he still slept like a baby, ready to fight the next day."

With Sovereign in his hand, Y/N sheathed it and sat beside Sable. "He made peace with his life way before he met me... and when he died-he did it with a smile."

He gave her an attentive look. "We all deal with pain in our own different ways, you could drown it in whiskey or learn to live with it. Either way, it's up to you how you'll beat it."

Sable gave a deep sigh in return as her eyes glossed over with tears. "I've been talking with that doctor-Maya. Told her what I wanted and she did some tests."

She blinked with the liquid only trailing down one side. "She said I only have two-three years left in me before... before I'm too sick to even get out of bed."

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now