Part 193

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Three months. Or four months. That's how long it had been since Y/N came into Winter's life and changed it for the better.

He was an instructor, a friend. Just about the only one she had in the academy.

She paused to take a deep breath, calming the negativity surrounding her.

She was stressed about an incoming test, and after reading a couple chapters in a logistics book, she began to grow reckless.

If it wasn't the stress of studying, or the strain from training that got to the kids her age, it was the boredom. But she doubted that's why half her class had already dropped out.

After a spell of boredom hit her, she was half tempted in dropping the book and going back to the arena. At least there she worked on something enjoyable.

When she fell into a long pause of silence, she turned to the wall before her desk, a cold metal canvas that had just an inkling of paint on it.

Her last quarterly report card was hung there with a magnet. And so was a picture of her and Y/N, given to her by his friend, Eduardo.

It took a glance at the photo of them to know that Y/N would be proud of her hard work, maybe enough to go for another pizza, just like the picture showed.

Pizza. It became a celebratory food for them recently. When Y/N found out she had no ceremony or congratulatory handshake, he took her to that very shop on the corner of the street.


She felt hungry for pizza all of a sudden, and it was much too early to go there on her own.

A knock on her door disturbed her cravings for a second before curiosity took over.

Who could it be? She didn't have any memorable classmates visiting, and she definitely wasn't in trouble.

Walking over, she clicked the release to the door while her dominant hand remained behind her, hiding her collapsed weapon.

The heavy door slid open, revealing her instructor and Commander.

"Hey." He sighed. "We need to talk."

Y/N wasn't one for salutes and parade rests, at least, not from her.

Sidestepping, she allowed him in, giving her a good view of a dark cloak around his shoulders that looked tailor made with expensive and high grade material.

"Are you—going somewhere?" Winter frowned and shut her door.

"That's what I wanted to talk about." He murmured.

Having never been in her room before, Y/N took a quick look around.

The dorms in Atlas were similar to the ones in Beacon, spacious enough to accommodate for four and a window for fresh air. But here it felt empty from the lack of any color or warmth.

The entire room was nearly gray. A simple and dreary color except for a little collection of papers and picture on the wall.

"Is it a mission?" She asked, disturbing his thoughts.

"Yeah." Y/N sighed. "I'll be out of town for a bit, it's hard to say how long though."

"Then—what does that mean for me?" Winter asked worriedly.

"It means you'll be doing everything as if I'm already here." He replied. "Training, homework, tests. Everything."

"You're leaving now?"

"Yeah, this came at a bit of a surprise last night. I need to catch a flight to Menagerie."

Winter was none the wiser to what he was going to do, and that's just the way he preferred it. But what she was wise to, was the setting.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now