Part 33

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Taking a long and deep breath, Y/N ran both hands across his face before smoothing up and to the back of his head.

Finally standing from the bed, he approached his kit and began clicking his harness in place, along with it were the polymer holster and sheath.

Inspecting his weapons he could already tell they were in desperate need of oiling, their use since Adrian's handover might conclude in rust.

Next, he fastened the vambraces around his forearms, they were tightened to a secure and cozy degree.

After placing the parachute on his back, he felt it's lighter weight on his shoulders, indicating only the backup remained within.

Lastly, he unzipped his pack to see his remaining ammunition, small survival kit and his photos, mildly creased.

Holding them in his hands for a moment, he flipped through each one, treasuring what used to be and now working to keep what now remained.

Sliding them back into his pack he zipped it closed with the hammer protruding out with enough room to grab at a moment's notice.

Securing his entire kit, he left to see Leah by the doorway. She looked up to him with a smile and her hands moving at an excited pace.

'Follow me.'

Nodding in return, she led him through the stone buildings to the very back of Solitude. It was a semi-hidden location in the cliff wall with enough access to everyone that it would be well guarded.

Entering the chamber Y/N saw the entirety of Solitude standing before him, watching, waiting.

His heart began to race, the anticipation grew and grew almost to the point of anxiety. He then passed well over a few dozen guardians, they eyed him with the same varied reactions from before.

The path was lit with torches, and in the air was a deep chill with the distinct tang of dust crystals, alot of it.

At the end of a long hallway was Viviane and the others, she stood with her hands linked under her robe sleeves.

Lowering her head in a slight nod, she spoke. "What's inside is something none of us had seen in decades. The need for security is almost non-existent, the sword provides that for itself."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked curiously.

Célian spoke next. "My father was a guardian, he described Sovereign as a true force of nature..."

Coda voiced his shared knowledge. "It's history dates back to the dawn of mankind, it technically had an owner so far back."

Leah the signed next. 'It wasn't always a sword. The king forged it from a staff, retaining all it's power and then some.'

"That's right." Viviane hummed. "When you approach, you will feel the full force of nature's wrath. Lightning. Fire. Ice. Water. Gravity. Wind. Rock."

"Not to mention when they're combined..." Coda quietly added.

"He's right." Célian said. "Those who can't control it's power would be crushed under the immense gravity alone."

"But you're not one such person," Viviane smiled. "are you?"

"Doesn't look like it to me." Ryder casually commented from behind, earning Coda glare in return.

Taking a deep breath, Y/N flexed his fingers and rolled his neck to hear a few pops. He was more than ready, he didn't come this far to just fail now. Not with what was at stake.

"I'm ready." Y/N said with a nod, his voice was low and near a growl.

Viviane gave a small series of nods in return. She walked to the side where a panel was located, there wasn't a traced of electronics within it, just a small collection of dust.

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