Part 124

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"Are you sure about this?"

Y/N gave Glynda a small yet thoughtful glance, he didn't have much to lose at the moment with his kukri in hand.

"I've had some practice." He replied.

"That's not what I meant." She said, her eyes deadpanned.

He reassured her as he grasped a handful of his facial hair. "I'll keep my aura up."

Glynda watched with bated breath as he put his knife to his throat and pulled up, chopping a mass sum of his hair right off.

Shaking his hand above the trash can, Y/N tossed the cut hair and got right to another patch.

He certainly did have previous experience cutting his own hair with a blade, but he stopped near the end when there was much more important things at hand in Yharnam. It still amassed to five years of practice.

It was a rather quick process since he wasn't shaping his hair, just shortening it enough for a clipper.

With a small wince and grunt, he tossed the last of what he could trash without outright shaving.

He massaged his aching shoulder as Glynda prepared a small dust powered hair clipper, unlike him, she's never had experience doing this.

"Start from here." He said, pointing to his sideburns. "Just go slow."

She nodded and with a steady hand, she glided the clipper down, cringing as it buzzed away the undesired follicles.

Y/N hummed in approval, further calming her when the small device made a squealing noise of protest.

"Why have you never grown this out before?" She asked, her hand steady and her eyes focused.

"I didn't like how itchy it got." He replied.

After a moment, she leaned back to inspect her work. It was by no means the amount of work Eli once put into it, but it was at his desirable length and less fussy to deal with.

After thoroughly brushing his face of cut hair, Y/N breathed a sigh of utter relief.

Feeling a pinch on his cheek, he saw her at the corner of his eyes, plucking away what little stray hair remained, commenting while doing so.

"You look good."

"I didn't before?" He asked sarcastically.

"No." She replied with equal sarcasm and with a roll of her eyes. "You look better."

"As opposed to before?"

Glynda shook her head with a short yet amused huff.

"Maybe... This look does suit you."

Gliding a hand over his prickly hair, Y/N spoke with a raised brow. "Harriet said the same thing."

He was joking before, but now he really thought about it, maybe he'd keep this look.

Glynda on the other hand was silent, pensive. She had completely forgotten about Harriet, and now that she was mentioned a slew of questions raced through her mind.

How would this relationship work? Would he be coming and going from Atlas? Would she move in? How far could this go? Especially if true feelings developed and remained over the coming years.

The thought of a baby that wasn't hers had her rubbing her temple, halting the thoughts of such a strange situation.

True, she allowed such a thing earlier on in life, when Raven hadn't gone off the rails that is. But that was nearly twenty years ago, times have changed and so have her thoughts and opinions.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now