Part 53

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"It's been a while since I been here."

Walking the hallways of Atlas Academy were the brotherly duo. Y/N walked at a quick pace, his height and speed had Qrow fumbling with a visitor's pass sticker while walking along.

"Pretty sure we passed it." Qrow added, his red eyes wandering the dull interior.

"We did but I want you to see someone first." Y/N said, taking a sharp turn and opened a set of double doors.

Qrow stood under the frame, curiously looking around, wondering why there was an actual door among automated ones.

"Uhhh... hi?"

Turning back to the large room, Qrow frowned to see an academy student, sat in a bed with a questioning gaze.

She was dressed in the same uniform as the many students they passed, wearing the dark gray attire with a business like skirt.

Framing her moderately dark complexion face was soft brown hair. She watched the pair with narrowed amber eyes, and directly under her left eye was a noticable beauty mark.

Y/N felt a tug in his stomach, like a warning signal flaring in his mind. He pushed it down with force and great curiosity.

Qrow began to slowly back up with a lowered voice. "I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means..."

"What?" Y/N hissed, whipping his head back to his friend. "Get your head out of the gutter."

The young woman practiced caution as the two men began to quietly bicker.

She cleared her throat loud enough for them to hear, immediately catching their attention.

"Can I... help you?" She slowly asked.


Y/N turned to Qrow with a frown, he gave him a bump with his elbow directly in the ribs, causing him to flinch.

"Yes," Y/N said with a sigh. "where's--actually, who are you?"

"Me?" She laid a hand on her chest, almost elegantly forced.

"You're the only one in the room-" Qrow was interrupted as Y/N gave a slightly harder bump. "-stop!" He hissed.

"I'm Am-" She stopped to begin backtracking. "Actually nevermind!"


Emerging from a back room was Fria, her lips curled into a smile as she laid eyes on her son.

Y/N and the unknown student breathed a sigh of relief, she sat back down and he closed the distance, wrapping the woman in a hug.

"How have you been?" Fria asked with a chuckle.

"I've been good." Y/N replied softly, he pulled away to ask almost urgently. "What about you? You haven't had any trouble with anything?"

She gave a small laugh. "Just the same old thing. What's the matter? You look nervous."

"It's nothing." Y/N waved off. "We have a bit of time before we need to see the Headmaster, I just wanted to drop something off."

"Oh?" Fria grew a twinkle in her eyes, mildly excited as Y/N unclipped his pack and set it on a nearby coffee table.

He dug in to hear the clink of metal along with some odd sounds, until suddenly he pulled a paper bag from within.

"Here." He handed her the bag as she sat in one of her couches. "Hope you like it..."

Qrow and the student watched the exchange with curiosity. The Huntsman had no idea who the woman was, but his friend was obviously very affectionate toward her. The young woman had no idea who this man was, but puzzle pieces began to slowly set in place.

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