Part 82

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Neo fixed Y/N with an almost worried gaze; her dual-colored eyes homed in on the bloody patches of cloth over his arms that he seemingly ignored.

She found it more disturbing than impressive how he managed to fall asleep, a deep sleep filled with nightmares.

His brows were furrowed in a glare, and his breathing had hitched when he awoke, jolted from the transport landing.

He looked to her at the corner of his eyes for a moment, that same gold was still present, but the undying rage wasn't.

He seemed tired when he stood with his weapon in hand; his voice was even low and husky as it was directed toward her.

"We're done for the day; let me know when you're ready to hit the next one."

As he stepped foot off the transport, he was swarmed with medical personnel; he brushed off their questions and urging hands before disappearing back into the manor.

That left Neo with them; they looked to her with stern eyes, she merely replied with a shake of her head before leaving herself.

Y/N marched through the manner with his drowsiness quickly fading. He ignored the horrified faces he saw along the way, and their pleads to help.

Pushing through the same heavy doors, he saw the councilwoman seated on the floor overlooking Haven.

She quickly recognized his heavy strides and spoke with a murmur of surprise. "You're back."

"I need your help."

If there was one thing Y/N caught on to the two weeks he knew Sapphire, it was that she appreciated anyone that didn't beat around the bush, someone like him that spoke with his chest and had the actions to back it up.

"And what is that?" She asked, lowering her head and shutting her eyes.

"One of the mercenaries, Marcus Black, he lives here in Anima."

The councilwoman hummed in a moment of thought; the urgency of his voice and intense aura already told what he was planning to do with him.

"I'll have someone look into it," She replied, straightening her back and taking a deep breath. "I'll inform you if anything comes up."

Her ears missed his heavy footsteps; he remained still, waiting.

"Was there something else?" She asked.

"I'm ready for the next one." He said without a moment of hesitation.

"That may be so, but I doubt your companion would agree."

"Then send me to one without her."

Sapphire sighed with an understanding nod. "My grandfather lusted over war. He craved it; it's what also led to his demise. It would be wise to not follow in his footsteps."

He fell silent at her back; she knew she had hit a spot somewhere within him.

"Get some rest." She said, ending the conversation and resuming her meditation.

Y/N reluctantly agreed as he left; his mind was fuzzy, in shambles; he only noticed it when he found himself in his room staring at his reflection with no recollection of ever coming in.

His eyes settled over the long trails of dried blood left on his uniform; it was crystal clear over the white material on his arms.

At the front of his collar was a zipper that was undone, allowing him to pull off the long-sleeved torso piece along with setting down his weapons.

"Haven't seen you like this in a while..." He said to himself.

His expression grew solemn, and his eyes lost their light as he stared at his reflection.

RWBY: Lex Talionis - Male Reader x Harem (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now