Chapter 62

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The witch peered down at the man in the chair. Confusion spread across the room.

His hair was dark and oily. His skin was like leather. His nose was long, and his cheeks were slender.

"Do you recognize him?" I asked Bayne who was huddled next to me.

"No. I have no idea." He laid his head on my shoulder. He looked exhausted, his eyes were struggling to stay open. His body felt like a limp noodle.

"Wake." The witch brushed her hand against his eyes. He jerked up and examined his surroundings.

"Who are you? What did you do to Helio?" The fairy interrogated.

He refused to talk. He kept his mouth closed. He stared down at the witch. He just squirmed, attempting to free himself.

"You heard him! Answer!" The witch yelled.

All eyes were on the quiet man. He clenched his mouth closed so tightly as if his lips were sewn together.

"Need help? We have a couple ways to get someone to talk." Sirius balled up his fist.

"That won't be necessary." The witch said.

She made magic seem effortless. She closed her eyes and announced a throaty chant. A gold mist appeared around her hands.

"What's she doing?" I whispered to Raven.

"I think she's doing a truth spell. I've never seen anyone do it before. It's very hard. Only the best witches can do it."

The gold mist circled around the slimy man. It then forced itself in his mouth, down his throat.

"Speak. Tell us who you are." The fairy commanded.

The words wanted to come out, but the man attempted to keep them sucked in. With his sharp teeth, he bit down on his tongue. I cringed at the sight of it, but I couldn't look away. His mouth started spewing blood as he pushed his teeth harder and clamped down on his tongue. He aggressively chewed it like a stick of gum. He was doing anything to avoid talking, even literally swallowing his own tongue.

With a flick of her wrist, the witch froze him. The pool of blood from his mouth continued to drip, but his body stayed still. She repaired his tongue and took away his stained teeth.

"Tell me. Who are you." She commanded again. She unfroze him. This time he couldn't resist the spell.

"Seth Keres. I'm a vampire." He said with his gummy mouth.

The vampire tried with all his might to shut his jaw. But the spell yanked his mouth right open.

"Why are you here? Did you kill our Helio?" The fairy said.

"Yes. I killed Helio when he first arrived here. I disguised myself as him. I am very talented with mind control."

"Are you admitting to using it on Bayne Greene?" Romulus spoke up out of turn. The witch glared ar him.

"Yes. I used mind control on Bayne Greene."

Everyone in the room gasped. Bayne's eyes were flickering open and closed. He was wiped out.


"Bayne needed to be framed for murder. This way. He could get killed. For Finn."

Bayne's eyes jolted open on his words.

"Bree? She did this?" I spoke up.

"Yes. She said she would help me if I did this. She heard of my mind controlling powers. Thought I would be the one for the job. She changed my appearance and sent me off."

"Where is that witch?"

"Why did she do this?"

"What did she offered you?"

Everyone shouted out questions from every direction.

"QUIET!" The vampire yelled. We obeyed.

"No vampire has ever been strong enough to control a person's actions to that extent. To the point where they have no memory of the event. How did you do that?" The vampire asked.

"You're right. Vampire abilities alone aren't enough. But Mr.Greene has traces of magic left in him...With the magic left behind from his hex, and my talented abilities, it was enough to take over his weak mind." He released an evil smile with his bloody gums.

Bayne's eyes were wide, as were the bags under his eyes. He looked horrified. I imagined his mind was in pain. It looked like someone had just died in front of him.

I stood up.

"Excuse me. I think this proves Bayne's innocence. May we be excused. You can question us later." I said.

The witch looked at Bayne's drooping body. He was still just wearing a grey bathrobe with his chest half hanging out. His head dropped like a dying daffodil.

"You are excused. The rest of this interrogation should be private anyway. Ulrich, Dakota. Stay for the questioning. The rest of you, leave." She commanded.

I helped Bayne upstairs to his room. He slung his arm over my shoulder as I hoisted him up the wooden stairs. His body felt like pudding.

We made it to his bed, I shut the door behind him and set him on the bed. He was full of nerves. I had never seen him this exhausted and anxious before.

"Erin. I'm sorry. I should've never hurt you." He said.

"Shh. It's not your fault. You didn't know what was happening. You would never hurt me, I know that now. Come lay down."

"What if he takes over my mind again? What if I do. Please. Maybe you should kill me. Do it now. Please." He sprang up and pleaded with me.

"Don't talk like that. They have him now. You won't hurt anyone like that ever again." I stroked his hair, picking the grass out of it.

"Let's lay down. You need your rest."

I laid down, signaling him to join me. He slowly agreed to. I pulled his blue comforter over him. I noticed the red and purple markings pierced into his skin from the tight chains. I couldn't believe we did that to him.

"I killed her, Erin. I killed Adolpha."

"It wasn't your fault. You were being controlled." I put my arm around him. I felt his breathing get heavier. His panic intensified.

"I mangled her body. I almost did the same to you. What kind of a monster am I?! I don't deserve to live. I don't."

He was snapping.

"It's not your fault. You would never mean to do that. You're no monster. Monsters don't save the ones they care about. You've saved me so many times. You're no monster, Bayne. Never think that." I rubbed his back slowly.

"Try to get some sleep. We can figure everything out when you wake up. I promise."

His breathing became more steady and slowed. His eyes began to fall back in the droopy state they were in earlier.

"I'll be here when you wake up." I told him.


I kissed his forehead. He was half way to dream land when my lips parted from his head.


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