Prologue 1-5

75 6 0

My Uncle's Cabin

Starting first memory playback with: Diary entry of certain day

{June 18th}

I was almost killed by bandits because I sucker punched the don's kid in the jaw. I barely got a relaxing sleep that night, only like...four hours worth of it. I slept in the ambush table, and I...learned that, since a lot happened to my back garden, I make sure to block that place, and secure all of my flanks.

I haven't received a call from AJ, since three days ago. Their route must be either hard, or they got hit by a catastrophe. The feeling that the power is back on, it kept me cool, seeing as the heat absorber tiles already expired not too long after.

I still have to get to Gordon. I hope he has enough game meat for me, if not, then I have to leave, and get myself. Being too giving is...well, maybe nice, but not nice for you after you realised what you have left off.

It's okay to be giving at times, but giving away all your stuff? Out of the goodness of your heart? I may have received meds from Adler, and tools from Fred, but I really need food now. I need to keep a mental note of that, it may help me one day. Or you, whoever is reading this.

I'm gonna head out once more, to Gordon. After I return, I'll check in with the water pressure, I hope it's fixed. Well, judging by the bandits roving around, and a possible mafia conglomerating, I doubt it can be finished. Hell, I doubt the power could stay back on for a few weeks. I need to change my clothes, it's bad enough I got a hit on me, but my jacket stinking up? If only the laundry works.

I hope AJ calls soon...


Continuing playback with: Memory event recreation

[Hosea then closes his book, puts it in his bag, and takes off, to go to Gordon's cabin, to give him some supplies in exchange for food. If not, maybe he could trade for something.]

[He brought the same close quarters weapons, and kept the same gear and clothes, but added a 1911 pistol, and the 38. Special with him. Also with an ammo box containing all the 38. Caliber he has. Rounding up to thirty rounds.]

[He once again greased up his hair, presumably adding "Hair gel" to his list of essentials before moving out, and locking the door behind him.]

[He is familiar with the environment now, because he was exposed to it for long periods of time. He knows Gordon's house is at the poor parts of town, which is north of where he is facing, or just up ahead. It's pretty far, so he's gonna need some set of wheels before heading out.]

[He goes to his garage, just at the outer right side of his fort. He pushes up the garage door, momentarily making his back crack, but inside his garage lays a workbench, now equipped with Fred's given tools. More wooden boards in case he needs to fortify. Cardboard boxes containing junk, and a dark green Yamaha Virago. Hosea's favourite bike ever since it was invented and bought.]

[Of course, this wasn't his first bike, nor is it the first bike manufactured by Yamaha that he got. It's probably the last of its kind now, he was lucky Fred, even though he was a vault dweller, was familiar with this kind. Its tank is full, and it's in perfect condition.]

[Hosea ties the bag to the luggage rack of his bike, it won't weigh it down, but it's a guarantee it won't fall off. He puts his rifle on the holster he modified on it, and asserts himself on it.]

[He grips on the pedals, and tightens it after familiarising himself once again to a motorcycle. It's been a while since he used this, maybe after the coil malfunctioned, he wasn't able to drive this out of the wastelands of Victoria, or taking it to a joyride in New Seattle.]

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