Prologue 2-7

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Save the essentials

Starting major memory playback with: Memory of certain day

[This one is here to deliver some good news, bad news, worse news, and even worse news. The good news is, they finally know how many days they've got. The bad news is, they only have six to nine days until the coil explodes. The worse news is that they're still in the highly irradiated third floor of the northern offices, and the even worse news are the cannibalistic angry mob outside.]

[Nevertheless, they sprint through the frozen Coriginium, that is slowly thawing out, and were able to make it back to the maintenance shaft, before they can grow another toe, they express their distress inside the dark and cold elevator shaft.]

Gordon: "Guys? There are a bunch of dudes outside."

Svetlana: "And?"

Frost: "They were eating the liquidators!"

York: "They were, what?"

Daniel: "'t fall on Coriginium, did you?"

Frost: "No it's true! Hosea, back us up here!"

Hosea: "We may be expecting some cannibals here, in high numbers too. We saw it from the security cameras."

Svetlana: "That's not the radiation sickness talking huh?"

Gordon: "You'll see...just outside."

[As the elevator shaft landed in their preferred floor, screams of terror and pain erupted. Guttural screeches and moaning could be heard too, briefly stopping the six of them in their tracks.]

York: "What in the hell?"

Daniel: "Okay...that wasn't the Coriginium talking."

Frost: "Never thought what I would read would turn out real."

Hosea: "Let's just sprint back to the car!"

Gordon: "Couldn't we just take the back door?"

Svetlana: "No back doors... Seriously, we didn't implemented that yet, probably not ever."

Gordon: "What kind of engineers were you hiring?!"

[Realising there's no back door to go to, they decided for the riskier front door instead. Ignoring the shouts and wails of agony, and preferring to listen to their stomps echoing through the halls, they discover the entrance to the southern office has been barricaded. Furthermore, it seems the sanitation workers from the inside are holding a tight defence, making a literal wall of fire using the cremators's canisters. Their destination is blocked, on fire as well. It looks like they're pinned down.]

York: "We need to find another way, who knows if their fuel tanks will burn out eventually."

Daniel: "Good one."

Svetlana: *She scanned the area around her, and quickly runs towards and office room, she then opened it using her keycard, and gestured for her group to go in.* "Quickly! Into one of these offices! We'll use the windows!"

[They avoided the wall of fire made by the group of cremators, they might not last long anyway. Inside the office, it was unusually clean, not aligning with the chaos that is outside, and its surrounding areas. Cubicles and desks, with deactivated monitors and empty filing cabinets, dead plants, and of course the briefing board. There're several windows mounted on the wall, looking out into the yard. Where there are a lot of bodies strewn across the ground. Some are charred, some are still burning up, and others are ripped apart so severely, their only recognisable features are their clothes and organs.]

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