Act 2-9

18 2 0

Search for the truth

Starting first memory playback with: Memory of certain day


A day after Hosea satisfied his curiosities, he yearns for more truth. Sidereal Plexus is indeed a mysterious company, but there are a selective few of individuals in the Union Movement whose relatives are high-ranking members of SP, or are high-ranking members of SP themselves.

Before he could get to Jimmy, and get his opinion on things, and...maybe get punched in the nose for broaching such a thing, he goes to interview a few folk he recalls had some 'connections'.

Lyudmila's father, Ilya is a high-ranking scientist of the Ursus division. However, perhaps interviewing her alone might bring repercussions... So while they were not busy in their room playing doctor, Hosea calls them in for an interview in his third floor study. He tells Mila to bring Gordon along, for the sake of the latter having to calm her down if it goes ugly.

Two knocks emitted from the door of the study.


Hosea: "Come in!"

*Lo and behold, the two actually came. Gordon's wound is feeling pretty okay recently, to the point he can finally wear shirts without having to chafe too much. He's wearing a tailored shirt, with a grey vest, dress pants, and loafers. His hair is gelled to the side, and the smell of roses and lavender wafts through the air... Quite business appropriate for an interview huh?*

*Lyudmila? Not so much. She's being herself, wearing easy-to-maintain clothing and whatnot. Both are curious and confused as to why they were called.*

*They each took a seat in front of the study table Hosea set up as an interview desk.*

Lyudmila: "So, old man? What's this about?"

Hosea: "I've been meaning to ask you something, Ms... Your last name?"

Lyudmila: "We've known each other for so long, old man. I don't mind getting called by my first name."

Gordon: "The idiot's surname is Maheegan."

*She snapped at Gordon, and gives a half-strength slap to his back, causing him to shrink and put his hands up to his face.*

Lyudmila: "You're an idiot!"

Hosea: "Ma...heegan?"

Lyudmila: "I don't get to choose my last name, grandpa."

Hosea: "Oookay... So... I heard about your father."

*Gordon perked up from such a question, while Lyudmila leans closer, and speaks in a more deeper tone.*

Lyudmila: "And?"

Hosea: "Could you tell me about him?"

Lyudmila: "Well, my old man is... A pretty decent guy. He's like a typical dad, you know? Always embarrassing your kids, and trying to act all kooky for the sake of impressing them. It did impress Gordon, but I didn't really appreciate that at the time. He likes shooting at stuff as a hobby, and...wouldn't you know it, that hobby brought me and Gord together."

Hosea: "Do you know about his line of work?"

Lyudmila: "He's a scientist, I think. Scientist for Sidereal Plexus, the company that made that coil."

Hosea: "I think I already know who they are. Have you found his line of work suspicious or—"

Lyudmila: "My dad did some pretty shady stuff, even before I was born, but all he did was his job! He didn't deserve to get killed over it!"

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