Prologue 3-7

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The New Boston Dreadnought

Starting major memory playback with: Various perspectives of important persons

{Hosea's perspective}

[Deep inside the leftmost hallway, they found a whole bunch of nothing except for more hallways. Talulah uses her forearms as a torch, and sometimes claps to make some kind of flare that lights up an entire room temporarily. Sifer jokes about Talulah's tail, and why she shouldn't just use that instead.]

Talulah: "I am not a pokemon, Ms. Aseph."

Sifer: "I'm surprised you know about that."

Talulah: "If you hang around someone who's very curious about the old world, you'll find yourself, quote, unquote, cultured."

Hosea: "Unusual for a dreadnought to be in the middle of nowhere. I doubt this is the dreadnought for Temperance, it's too grand."

Talulah: "Perhaps it is for 'New San Francisco'?"

Hosea: "No, news said no dreadnoughts were launched during the day of its surprise meltdown. So many people lost their lives that day."

Sifer: "Hey, guys, think I found something of interest."

Talulah: "What is it?"

Sifer: "Think I found the security room."

[Sifer says after busting open the door to the security room. It wasn't hard kicking it open, the hinges are rusty enough to break free after one swift side kick. Inside the security room are a bunch of monitors embedded on the walls. The security desk is eaten by termites, even termites were able to reach a steel locomotive. The office chair was torn apart, and a few of the monitors were broken.]

[There's a small incandescent light bulb turning on and off, it's right above the button activating "Emergency power". Talulah pushes the button, and nothing happened...except for one monitor lighting up. It shows security footage coming from the entrance zone.]

[Everyone in the entrance zone were huddling up against each other for warmth. Frostnova exempted, because reasons.]

Talulah: "Honestly, I didn't know what I was expecting when I pushed that."

Hosea: "Well, at least the emergency power is on."

Sifer: "And the intercom is on too."

*The red LED light coming from a mic with a cross on it glows on the button for the microphone.*

Hosea: "Does it work?"

Sifer: "I don't know, you try."

Hosea: "Don't mind if I do."

Talulah: "Please announce something important."

{Daniel's perspective}

[The entrance zone was worse for wear. The powerful flashlight acts as its only light source from darkness as the cold snap hits. Daniel could feel the cold slipping inside the narrow slits.]

[Elijah apparently has a steam lantern, a lantern used to warm you up and brighten a room, with the expense of your lungs. Most of the group huddled up near it.]

[Of course, Hosea's kits he got from his uncle's cabin proved to be helpful, as the camouflaged clothes used for hunting were layered on top of them for warmth as a cold snap catastrophe happen outside. Frostnova claims the dreadnought, slavery ship or otherwise, is sturdy enough to withstand any catastrophe.]

Daniel: "Hey, Yelena?"

Yelena: "Yes, Daniel?"

Daniel: "Now that Sheriff Will is gone, which leader do you think is most capable to replace him?"

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