Stocking up:
Starting first memory playback with: Diary entry
{June 5th, Saturday}
It's been a while since I've written something in this. I think it was like...a couple of centuries ago? Myegh, whatever, at least I can report on this again. Guess I should re-tale what happened here. So, the bastards at Sidereal Plexus doomed us all, by refusing to act upon my orders, not only that, but other leaders to NOT blow a nuclear warhead on the surface of the moon.
It managed to rip it apart, literally, making a crack that's bigger than mine (Guess it's literally mooning at us now that I think about it). Not even a few years later, it started growing bigger and bigger, then suddenly the weather is starting to go nuts and stuff. Sandstorms galore, heat waves, blizzards, not to mention the animal migration that destroyed crops, and led us into a famine. It set the world into a standstill, much like the moon itself.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, laser guided systems managed to destroy...and...yes, I mean it, DESTROY the moon. It sent its fragments down, crashing into us. And you know the most weirdest part? Sidereal Plexus THEMSELVES instituted many safe shelters from all across the United States and Poland. And when I mean "The United States, and Poland", they're the only countries that were safe from when the moon nuked us. Or, should I say? Pooped on us. I sure hope that nuke was named "Laxatives"
Alright, enough butt jokes, the moon won't like being the butt of jokes anyway. Okay, okay, I'll stop.
Being an important figure, I was set and situated in one of their bunkers. I also got the VIP treatment. You know, I would've loved to get informed by this, sometimes I missed being governor. I'm gonna skip the part where the "incesty wincesty" part happens. I'm actually surprised the fellas down in the streets are able to walk with webbed toes.
A few more centuries after, Sidereal Plexus finally let us out. I shouldn't refer to them generally, just the overseer. He let us out, and told us to recolonise Seattle. Well... Thanks to Sidereal Plexus's Catastrophe Catcher Coils, or Triple Cs, half of Seattle was intact.
It now became New Seattle. Now, a lot of...things started happening all at once. Such as the many different bipedal animal races that aren't monkeys, or the fact that you can get a type of cancer from rocks, or the fact that magic exists now, but I'm running out of toilet paper, and I've ate a bad batch of SPAM. I'm gonna explain all of this after I got back from the store. I hope my ass doesn't explode like the moon.
Nice to see you again, Journal. Be happy to write down my experiences for future generations, or for myself to be entertained when I'm alone. Yes... Hosea Altrovich doesn't have a girlfriend, nor will he ever be.
Starting second memory playback with: Memory of certain day
[The temperature was humid and cold, probably because New Seattle is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and the south is always reversed when it comes to seasons. Hosea, after briefly cleaning himself up, and pomading his hair, he will do that frequently mind you, donned on his bomber jacket, flannel shirt, some jeans, and some sneakers before heading out, maybe not in that particular order, but Hosea is leaving the building.]
[He looks back at his house before continuing on. It was a faded two story suburban townhouse, with his own yard, garden, and alleyway for...emergencies. He locks his door on the way out, briefly showered his already dead plants, and goes out the door. But not before taking a ball to the face by two neighbourhood kids.]
The Grandfather of the Reunion
FanficGood day, researcher. We're giving you an important task today. We've retrieved the body of the man known as "Hosea Altrovich". Our top scientists already fixed him up for you as best they could, but there may be some discrepancies that need your at...