eleven. remembring

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It was night time. Most of the workers for WICKED were back in their apartments— and security wasn't a big problem in the building. So far, no one had an idea that the test subjects for Group A were meeting up with two elites and WICKED's princess.

At first, they were intimidated. Especially of Nini— as they heard the employees constantly saying good things about her. They made her seem like she was this amazing human being, and the Group A subjects were really nervous when Thomas had said she wanted to be friends— only to find out that she was just a kid like them. The only difference was that she was smarter than all of them combined, and that big words always came out of her mouth.

Ever since they all met up, Teresa had the biggest smile on her face. Both Minho and Jisung would constantly ask her why she was so happy— but she said it was just nothing; her eyes drifting over to Nini and Newt who were in a different corner, talking to themselves.

Then, Teresa snaps, unable to contain.

"Nini said she likes Newt!" the twelve year old girl screams.

Nini, who was a year younger than the girl looked at her in surprise. Teresa had promised to not tell anyone— granted she kept it for three days, she still eventually told it infront of everyone. She was never going to trust Teresa again.

"I don't!" Nini lied, running away from the blonde boy— trying to find a place to hide so they wouldn't see the look of shame on her face.

"It's true! She told me too!"

"SHUT UP, THOMAS!" Nini exclaimed, kicking him on his shin. The boy let out a groan of pain, falling down on the floor.

Minho was laughing loudly, looking at his own friend who was starting to turn red. "He likes you too, Nini."

Newt furrowed his eyebrows. "Minho, stop talking."

He did, but this time, it was Jisung who had spoken. "You should hear him at night. It's always Nini this, Nini that, Nini is so brilliant, Nini told me about this—"

Nini emerged from behind Thomas' , who was still groaning. "You like me?" she asked, now getting a newfound confidence.

Thomas, in the middle of his pain, looked at the girl in disbelief.

"He does." Alby chimed in.

"I do."

Nini smiled widely. With no one to talk about crushes ever since she was a child, Nini got all confused when she was with Newt and she would feel her heart race.

Minho and Jisung started clapping loudly. "Nini and Newt, sitting on a tree—"



"Minho, keep your voice down!"

"You? You're doing this to us?"

Nini sighs, placing the scalpel down as she faces the blonde boy— he was acting like she had a choice when she's been trying to tell him all this time that this was a punishment for misbehaving and meeting up with the test subjects. If she had a chance to tell him, she would. But Dr. Paige had transferred them all to a different building so they would stay away from each other.

"I don't have a choice. They wouldn't let other people do the operation. This is my punishment—"

"For meeting up?" Newt asks incredibly.

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