one. my baby, my baby

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I just noticed things are about to get confusing because I have the first eleven chapters for tst already written, but here it is:


Birth: Nini was born as an only child to two Doctors at WICKED; Nathaniel Salazar and Rosamie Salazar , they used to be the chancellors for WICKED before Ava Paige was. Nini being born a genius isn't a natural product. Her mother, while pregnant, did multiple experiments and studies on her as a baby— which eventually led to her being unnaturally smart as a child. They wanted Nini to take over WICKED when she grew up and when they died, that's why they did it to her.

TECHNICALLY, Nini is the heiress of WICKED.

Age 1-4: Her parents isolate her. They teach her all about the Flare, the causes, how to avoid it— and their potential ideas for a cure. Keep note, Nini is extremely smart. A usual 1-4 year old can't understand anything (hell, they can't even speak) but Nini is a product of experiments. She understands everything.

Age 5: Nini's parents get the Flare. Ava becomes chancellor on their behalf since it can't be Nini— she's still a child. Nini meets Thomas and are thought together— however in different areas. Nini's lessons are way more advanced compared to his and hers focuses on medicine while Thomas focuses on puzzles.

Age 6-8: Nini and Thomas are best friends. They meet Teresa, and Nini starts to get pulled away from Thomas— as she was being brought to operation rooms to study the Flare with the older scientists. Ava Paige is a mother figure to Nini.

Age 9-10: Nini is doing a residency in WICKED. Still not an official Doctor. The girl, Thomas, and Teresa become neighbors; their rooms are right next to each other. This causes Nini to strengthen her bond with Thomas after it faltered for a bit.

Age 11: Nini meets Newt, Alby, Minho and Jisung and becomes friends with them. Flashbacks are in Chapter Eleven: Remembering.

Age 12: Nini (12) and Newt (13) become a couple. Nini is almost officially a Doctor. Gets caught hanging out with the Group A Subjects; the rest are punished while she isn't. Yet.

Age 13: At the start of the year, Nini becomes WICKED's spokesperson. Few days after that, Ava tells Nini that her punishment for what happened the last year was that she needed to do the swipe on the Group A subjects. Mid year, the Maze Trials Begin. Nini is forced to do the swipe on all of her friends, while unofficially breaking up with Newt before he is sent to the Maze.

Age 14: Nini, trying to get over Newt, buries herself in her job thinking that if she finds a cure, Newt will come back. This was her worst point, the girl was unnaturally snappy, desperate, didn't talk to Thomas for a whole year, was aggressive and mean, did everything WICKED wanted her to do and started becoming authoritative and commanding.

Age 15: Nini, while studying Minho for Group A, sees what happens with Newt and his attempt. This breaks her heart, then she sorts of has a realization that WICKED was torturing the kids for a cure; that she was torturing kids for a cure. This causes her to talk with Thomas again, who also feels the same way. However, she was still forced to do announcements for WICKED.

Age 16: As seen in the first chapter, Nini sells WICKED out to Dr. Mary Cooper, a lower ranked Doctor. The girl reveals all of the information hidden from them and tells her some of the coordinates. Then, Nini tasks Thomas to tell everything to the Doctor.

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