twelve. a slap of reality

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Out of all the people who could have tied me up— of course, it was Eric. His nose was still cracked; a few hours before everything happened, Clint and Jeff told me that I broke his nose.

Serves him right.

As he tied my hands up and opened the slammer while the other Gladers pulled the 'unconscious' Thomas up, I wanted to do nothing except slam the empty vial into his eye as he whispered into my ear while we walked towards the other Gladers, who were standing at the edge of the maze.

"Still think you're all that now?" he whispered, before grinning widely. A part of the plan was that I needed to pretend that I was mad and furious— but there was no need for acting. I was mad and furious, especially because of Eric.

"Fuck you, Eric." I grumble, attempting to elbow him in the stomach, where I was sure it hurt the most. Eric seemed like he anticipated the attack and quickly avoided it, not before shooting me another grin as he held my hands together tighter.

"I'd sure love that."

I decide to not talk to him after that comment. It's either that, or get brain damage.

Eric help me up beside a post that stood in front of the doors of the Maze. He kept on whispering really inappropriate things into my ear, but my attention wasn't on him. Instead, it was on the Gladers who stared at me.

Jeff, Clint, Winston. They agreed with Gally? Did they think that banishing me, Teresa, and Thomas was a good idea? We were friends; I spent most of my time in the Glade with them.

It was really disappointing. They were really disappointing.

"Gally," Winston called, his eyes still on mine. "It doesn't feel right, man."

"Yeah," Jeff agreed, "What if Thomas is right? Maybe he can lead us home."

"We are home," Gally announced, stepping towards the two. He nodded at them, the look on his face nothing short of threatening. "Okay? I don't want to have to cross any more names of that wall."

"You're gonna need to keep on crossing more names in that wall if you banish us." I hissed, letting out a groan of pain when Eric elbowed my waist in the place I was stabbed. Nevertheless, I kept on talking. "No one is gonna treat you properly when I'm gone. Clint and Jeff suck."

I don't look at the two Med-jacks. I was far too mad and disappointed at them to feel remorse. What I said wasn't necessarily a lie as well— they sucked.

"No," Gally said simply, shaking his head. "But this isn't a banishing."

My eyes widen, looking at Newt momentarily. It seemed like he didn't expect this too, because his eyes held the same fear as mine.

"It's an offering." His words confirmed my fears. Eric yanked my arms up and pressed me against the pole that had been pre-prepared. I was too far scared to tend to the looks the boy was giving me at the moment while tying my hands up.

I let out a groan of pain when the blood in my waist started bleeding again. So Clint and Jeff did not know how to wrap wounds up properly yet.

"What?" Teresa asked, terror in her eyes. After being tied up like I was, she looked at the boy again. "Wait! Gally, what are you doing?" she shrieked.

"Do you think this is the right way to solve everything?" I question, still in shock at how he could make a decision on this. Here I thought that I was making progress on him after apologizing. "Banishing the one person that has actually gotten close to escaping and a girl who hadn't done anything. And me. Would that help, Gally?"

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