author's final note

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First of all, thanks for sticking with Newt and Nini's journey !! I'm really sad that this is ending cause it's definitely my favorite fic out everything I've written.

Fun fact: Newt was supposed to die, actually!! I'm gonna show the scene I wrote when I  got my heart broken, which was supposed to be the original ending:

Fun fact: Newt was supposed to die, actually!! I'm gonna show the scene I wrote when I  got my heart broken, which was supposed to be the original ending:

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Also, I've been hinting a lot of things in the book which may have caused some confusion, so here's everything that's canon in this fic:

1. Xio has the biggest crush on Nini. People kinda got this but .. yup! The reason why he was really rude to her is because Xio is unaccustomed to the feelings he has so he really doesn't know how to cope. He feels insecure, and doesn't wanna make himself vulnerable by being open about it. His best form of defense is attack, so he's just plain rude about it and keeps it that way until he eventually grew up at the last chapter.

("Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?") yea guess who he was talking about

So, yes. Xio still likes her— but he knows that she's happy with Newt so he tries to stop himself and move on.

2. "I got my eyes set on someone new." Jisung is talking about Harriet.

3. Nini suffers from Acute respiratory distress syndrome. This is why even with a lot of training and workouts— she still cant run, because her body cannot physically handle it.

4. Yes Nini made out with Xio.

Anyways, its been a wild ride. thanks for everything! if you have any questions abt their future or abt the story or anything, comment here!!

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