Chapter 11- A day at the strip club

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Dylans POV-

"Kids!" I shout as I run around trying to catch Jake who was running around with scissors and Jamey who was trying to juggle two glass snow globes.

"Pwapa wook!" Jamey giggles and continues juggling, making my heart beat faster.

"Stop, Jame!" I take the snow globes from her hands, and put them on a counter she can't reach.

"Scwisso' maaaan!" I hear Jakes voice screech.

I quickly rush to where he was and grabbed the purple scissor from his hand. "Jakey, what have I told you? Scissors and running does NOT mix!"

Jake pouts and huffs,"No! Gwv' it bac'"

This kid knows how to push my buttons...

"Do you want a spanking?"

Jakes jaw drops and he quickly shakes his head no.

"Then don't talk back to your father!"

I guess you could say that I had gotten a lot more serious. I am very hard on the kids but someone has to be. Liam doesn't do shit!

"Ok..." he grumbles. I lift the light boy up and hold him on my hip,"It's time for you guys to go to Uncle Ni and Uncle Z's house."

"Yaaay!!" Jamey screeches. Jamey loves hanging out with Niall. She sort of has a crush on the Irish lad.

"Zachy will b' dare?" Jake asks. I nod my head. I heard about the whole kissing situation, but Louis and Harry are having a lot of trouble in their relationship right now, so I'll leave them to their own life right now.

"Lets go now," I hold Jameys hand while holding Jake, and walk out the door of my house, ready for work.


After, dropping off my two happy children, I drive to my place of work, Lights, Cameras, Dick.  I will never tell my kids about my work, they don't need to know that Papa would grind and strip for random men at a dirty, cheap gay strip club. 


"Hey, Dyl!" Calum smiles at me, while slipping on his leather, tight boxers. "Sup, Cal?" I smile, and head to my so called "station." 

"Nothing much, just a little nervous for my show today. Michael is coming to watch me for the first time."

"I bet your boyfriend will love seeing your bum in some tight boxers, making sexual movements. But hey, what would I know about relationships?" I sigh, while tugging on my white thong, with a black tail connected to the back, and I have a set of cat ears on my head. God, I hate this job....

"Come on, lighten up! Maybe your prince charming will be watching you, as you do some weird shit wh cat ears and a tail, which is cute as hell by the way," Calum smiles, and links our arms together.

You could say that Calum is the friend that is ALWAYS happy, and makes you smile, well usually makes you smile. "Thanks for the talk Cal. What time do you get on stage?"

"I start in about 15 minutes and ends after 30 minutes for my solo strip. Then at 5 Luke, Ashton, and I have a group show," Calum answers smiling," I'm going to be in Room 3. What about you?" 

I check my phone and my eyes bulge,"I'm on in 2 minutes! Gotta go!" I rush out of the changing room and head to Room 2, 'The kinky room.' The kinky room consists of kitten outfits, wipes, chains, handcuffs, and is the only room aloud to give "solo treats" at the end. 

Room 1 is the drag-queens or bears one. Room 3 is for the more slow, less touching, and for more of the tease feeling. Then lastly, is the main area, which is where the groups of 3 and more have their own show with eachother. 

I wait for the stripper before me to exit the stage. I then, hear loud applause fill the air, and I wait for my background music come on before I step on stage. 


I am in the middle of my show, which means its time to give someone a lap dance. I lean down making sure to wag my bum in the air, as I pick up a chair in the corner and set it down to the front of the stage. I turn the chair around, so I see my crowd, but I straddle the chair, biting my lip. I put my hand out to the crowd and when I feel someone take hold of it, I pull them up. I get up from the chair and push the man down on it. 

I then take the  chance to look at the man I'm about to rub my ass on and see a familiar face....


Chocolate brown eyes look over my body, his brown hair up in a quiff, and his button-up shirt with the first few buttons undone, chest hair showing. Liam. My old Liam is here. The father of my children is here.....

I suck it up and nibble on his ear, whispering,"What are you doing here?" I straddle him and kiss his neck slowly. "I-I didn't k-know you'd be o-on..." Liam murmers in my ear. I groan, but continue making sexy movements so the crowd will keep tipping me. "After I'm done we are going outside so I can yell at you," I say bluntly, moving my hand up and down his covered chest. 

"What else is new..." 

I roll my eyes, but continue slowly rolling my hips on his hardening crotch. I hear his moans that I've missed so much, and I just want to jump on him and let him fuck me right then and there. Why are we both enjoying this?


Liams POV

"Liam James Payne....why the hell did you show up to my work?" Dylan growls, holding my taller and more muscular body against the wall behind the stripclub. "I-I didn't know-" I start but he cuts me off.

"You know I work here! God fucking dammit, I don't want to deal with you more than I have to! Stay away from me!"

Seriously, what the hell crawled up his ass. "Dylan, calm down. We are both adults-"

"Don't lecture me Payne! I'm not yours to talk down to anymore! You were the one to end this not me! You left me pregnant and alone...y-you even showed up 2 hours late for o-our childrens b-birth...." Dylans whole attidute changes, and tears are running down his checks. 

"Please don't'll make me cry," I whimper. "Its all your f-fault...I'm alone, I-I'm so fucking lonely, Liam!" He sobs, and grabs onto me crying into my white shirt. "I know it is...."

"You know something Liam....I haven't made love in 2 years! 2 FUCKING YEARS! I've never even been on a date with a guy I truly liked in months!" Dylan pulls away from my chest, tears still rushing down his face.

"D-Dylan please, just tell me what you want," I put my hands on the crying boys face. "Would it be bad if I told you I may want you?" Dylan whimpers. 

That question instantly sends my body to shock. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan is all that I think about other than my kids and my family. Dylan has changed so much in only 3 years. He doesn't have that fire in his eyes that he used to have, and I want to help him. I want to help him be himself again. The loud, charming, flirty, and dramaking he once was....

"Then, lets start a new chapter Dylan. Please, Dylan O'Brien, will you go on a date with me?"

"I-I...." Dylan stutters for a second, his deep brown eyes widen,"Yes." 

"I guess this is where we kiss." 

"Yeah," Dylan smiles, and leans in, and I do the same, my hands still placed on his checks.

Finally, we meet in the middle and kiss, like tomorrow will never come, like we are the only people on the earth. Its just Dylan and I, and I want to keep it like that.....

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now