Chapter 10~ Ziall (For Better and Worst)

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*Warning* Slight Smut!


Nialls POV

It's only been 3 year and look at us now...

I smile, as I continue to cuddle up to my husband's tattooed chest.

Moving in together....getting married...having a child. "I love you," I whisper, even though I now Zayn can't hear me. I hear Zayn mumble something in his sleep making me laugh softly.

We have accomplished so many things is only 3 years....yet I've never met his family.

My baby boy doesn't know Zayn's parents. This could be a problem...

"Niall?" Zayn groans out, using his elbows to set up a bit.

"Morning, babe," I smile, and put a hand through his messy hair. (Zayn's morning hair is in the picture^) 

He pecks my lips and smiles,"Morning, my love." This makes me blush, things haven't changed to much I guess. "It's a weekend," Zayn smirks. I raise an eyebrow,"And?"

"We don't have work....Zachary isn't up....we don't have anything to do today," Zayn puts his hand under my white, oveesized t-shirt. "Perfect," I smirk, and both me and Zayn lean in slowly at first, but then things start getting heated.

I set myself on Zayn's hard, still covered crouch. Zayn is thrusting his hips trying to get some friction,"Ugh..stop being such a fucking tease, and let me fuck you." Wow...

We continue kissing roughly, Zayn's hand rested on my bum. Somewhere along the line my boxers were taken off...

Zayn pulls me down to lay directly on top of him and throws the covers over us, so if Zachary comes in he won't be totally scared.

After a few minutes of kisses, bits, and the once and a while groping, both Zayn and I are complete bare and panting under our bedroom sheets.

Zayn is about to 'open me' the door opens, with a slam on the wall behind it. "PAPA! DADA! You gwuys ware waying without me!" Zacharys high-pitched voice shouts out. I jump a bit and roll of off Zayn,"I'm sorry baby, but we were about to play a game only adults can." Zachary walks to my side of the bed and raises his arms, signaling that he wants to be lifted up. I pick the small boy up and place him on the bed.

I turn my head to look at my husband who has a slight frown on his face, and trying to make sure Zachary doesn't see the tent covered by the sheets over us.

"I wunt ta be an adwult!" Zachary pouts and crosses his arms. "Zach, come on its time let's get a bath," Zayn sighs and I see him trying to raise his boxers up. Suddenly, Zachs whole mood changed to excitement,"Yaaay!!" Zayn smiles,"Alright, go to the bathroom and I'll meet you in a second. Me and your Papa need to talk."

Zachary nods his head and jumps of the bed, running out the door and hopefully to the bathroom across from his.

Zayn's sighs,"Are child is a cockblock..." I laugh loudly and smile at the older man,"I guess you could say that."

"Do I gets some later."

"Um...let's go get our child ready for a bath."

Zayn's POV

"Dwada wand Pwapa switting in wu twee! K-I-S-N-G! Fwurst came lwove, then cuame marruge, then cuams Zachy fwom an orpanhuje!" Zachary sings as he runs around the small living room. "That was beautiful baba," Niall smiles, bends down, and pecks his forehead. I smile to myself.

Aren't I the luckiest man on earth? I've got a beautiful husband, a great child, and a whole new family, like Liam, Harry, and even Dylan.

A New family....hopefully one that will stay with me, and believe me for anything I say...

"Zayn? Are you alright?" I hear my lovers sweet voice ask with concern. "Oh, yeah I'm fine," I shrug and give him a quick smile.

"Dwada Z, Pwapa Ni said I stway at Nana's for a bit!" Zachary smiles up at me. Nana is what he calls Nialls mum. Zachary always gets excited when seeing her, because she always gives him whatever sweets he wants.

"That's great ZZ," I lift the boy up in my arms, and plays a kiss to his check.

A few minutes later, Niall, Zachary, and I are in a car driving to Nialls mums place. Zachary is in the backseat singing to Justin Bieber, Niall is in the passenger seat holding my hand and placing his head on my shoulder, I'm driving and trying desperately not to snog my husband right then and there.

"Dada?" Zacharys voice is heard. "Yeah, what is it little man?" I ask.

"Why do I only have one grandma? I don't have any grandpa's ether..." Zachary mumbles out.

Oh, great....

"Well, um both of your Daddys father's left....and my mother did the same."

Niall moves his head from my shoulder and gives me a strange look almost telling me,"You-dont-have-to-say-anything-you-dont-want-to..."

"Why?" Zachary asks confused.

"Never mind...we're here," I say in a monotone voice, pulling up into Nialls mums drive way.

After, talking to Maura for a few minutes me and Niall are back in the car. It's completely silent though.



"I love you."

"I know."

"I will never leave you."


"Do you believe me?"

"I'm driving Niall, don't interrupt me."

"Zayn, park the fucking car."

"Yes, Niall. Ok, Niall"

I park the car at a nearby park.

"Zayn, I think we need to talk about your parents." Niall holds onto my hand.

"No, we don't."

"Zayn, I've been with you for 3 whole years and I have never met your parents. Do they even know your married and have a child?"

"They wouldn't want to know Niall. They left me...they don't care!" I feel the tears coming to my eyes.

"Please, Zaynie tell me what happened. Please...I'll help you," Niall places a hand on my check.

"M-my dad...he r-raped me when I was 15....I t-told my mum, she didn't believe me Ni! She was so far up his fucking ass she didn't believe me!" I burst out in tears and Niall undoes his seat belt and holds me to his chest. "S-she told me I was a l-lying piece of shit...she took my s-sisters and my dad and j-just left! They left me at 15!"

Niall rubs my back and whispers how much he loves me and that I was so special to him.

"Baby...I'm so sorry, so so sorry," I hear a faint sniffle come from my short partner. "J-just hold me...never let me go, ok NiNi?" I whimper out.

I sound so vulnerable....I hate it!

"I won't ever leave you! You are my Zaynie, and I love you...forever and always," Niall kisses my forehead and wipes away tears from my checks.

"I-i want to go home..."I mumble. "I'll drive the rest of the way," Niall kisses me, making me smile slightly.

"love you..."

"Love you too."

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now