Chapter 14 ~ Tyler

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Harrys POV

It has been about a week since me and Louis....well you would know if you read Chapter 13.

I'm about to leave from my job at a local coffee shop called Sweet, Sweet, Caffeine. 

I work there with 5 other people. Gabby, Thalia, Jeremiah, Princeton, and my least favorite Connor. Connor is just an annoying prick that always flirts with me, and thinks his this big hotshot. I keep telling him that I'm in a serious relationship and he just scoffs and says he is better than any other man. He is 20 and has golden eyes, dirty blond hair, about 6 feet, and muscular.

I open the door to leave my work, but I feel a strong hand grab my shoulder,"Hey, you thought about my proposal?" I hear a familiar Welsh accent ask. I sigh,"Connor I'm not going out with you. Your not my type."

Connor turns me around to look me in the eyes,"Then what is your type?" I smirk and cross my arms,"Small, brunette, older guys, named Louis." Connor glares at me but before he can say anything, I shut the door in his face.

I check my phone to see what time it is. 5:00 PM it reads. I should get home soon, I need to cook dinner for Louis and I.

I put my phone back into my white jeans pocket.

I begin my walk to the apartment, but as I pass an alley and I hear crying I get worried. What if it's a trap?

I put my hand in my back pocket and pull out a pocket knife. You should always come prepared!

I walk into the dark alley way slowly, and I start to see a curled up figure crying into,I think it's a, his arms. "W-what happened?" I ask softly, making sure not to scare him. He looks up at me with sky blue eyes.

"If your gonna rape me, j-just do it now a-and get it over with. And afterwards j-just kill me!" He cried out, making me jump,"No I-i want to help. D-do you have a place to stay."

I put my knife back into my pocket. This kid means no harm. He shakes his head,"What's your name?"

"Harry, Harry styles. What's yours?"

"Tyler Davison," Tyler has some sort of accent. It sounds like a mixture of Irish and American. I hold out my hand, and he grabs onto it and stands up.

I see that he is wearing a large grey and blue sweater, dirty blue jeans, and worn out converse. His hair is styled in a fringe, and he has Sandy brown hair. Tylers has really nice sky blue eyes, that hide fear, and a bet of thankfulness. He is a shorter boy, maybe 5'5, but is curvy.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16," Tyler raises an eyebrow," You ask a lot of questions." I blush slightly,"Sorry."

"How old are you?" Tyler asks as we walk to Louis and I's flat. "I'm 18."

"You're that young?" I smile,"Yep! I leave with my boyfriend. He's 23. Is that a problem that I like boys?"

Tyler smiles and his eyes seem to light up,"It's alright. I'm gay too." I smile down at him and continue walking in silence.

Once we reach the door to the apartment and get my set of keys out,"It's not the biggest, and you would be sleeping on the pull out couch."

He continues to smile widely,"That's fine! Thank you for letting me stay for a night, I'll be out in the morning."

You can't just let a 16 year old leave on the streets forever.... "No, you can stay here as long as you need to."

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now