Chapter 7 ~ 3 Years Later

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AN: OMG!! 3 year skip!!!

So the ages of each of the characters are here:

Niall: 19

Zayn: 22

Louis: 23

Harry: 18

Liam: 22

Dylan: 20

Be ready for ultra new shit!

3 years after....Dylan and Liam had sex. Zayn and Niall had their first kiss and date. Harry and Louis admit their feelings.

Now what is happening to the 6 boys?

Zayn and Niall, moved in with each other two years after dating, married a year ago, and adopted a two year old named Zachary. He had dark hair like Zayn, blue eyes like niall, and a slight tan.

But, Zayn's family was not at the wedding. They never met Zachary, or even Niall.

Harry and Louis, moved in with each other after a year and a half. They have a cat named Cupcake. Louis' is starting to take education more seriously, by taking online college classes. Harry works at a local coffee shop. When harry comes home from work, Louis and Harry go straight to cuddling and being a loving couple.

But, Harry wants a kid, NOW. Harry wants to get married, NOW. Louis doesn't really hang out with kids besides Zachary, Jamey, and Jake. Louis doesn't really want to get married, he thinks that it doesn't matter much. They all ready love each other, who cares about a ring.

Dylan and Liam. Aren't dating, they were for a few months after having sex. Liam felt that their relationship was only built on sex, so they split up. Dylan becomes pregnant, with Liam's kids. Liam lives at his flat, Dylan lives with Jamey and Jake in a townhouse. Dylan has Jamey and jake during the week, and Liam has then during the weekend. Jamey and Jake are the most important thing to them.

But, Liam finds himself wanting to kiss Dylans lips again. Dylan feels like running his hands through Liam's brown hair.

Now let's begin.


"Pwapa! Dwada!" Zachary smiles, shaking his father's awake," I gotsa go ta swool!"

"What time is it?" Zayn groans, sitting up, slightly looking down, seeing his husband's adorable sleeping face.

"Sweven thwarty!" Zachary says, holding up 10 fingers, making Zayn chuckle. "All right, champ. I'll get you ready. But, let Dada Ni sleep. He has work today."

You see, Niall worked at Walmart on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 8:30 to 4. Zayn works at a tattoo shop on the week days, but only from 9 to 3:30, so he can pick Zachary up at 4 from his preschool.

Zayn was trying to comb through Zacharys hair,"We need to cut your hair, it's getting to long." Zayn has been combing his hair for 15 minutes.

Zayn looks at the time and sighs when he sees that it is 7:50. "We are going to be so late."

Then, Zayn smiles,"would you like to spend time with uncle Lou?" Suddenly, the blue eyed boys lights light up,"YWEEEEEEEESSSS!" He screeches. Zayn hushes the young boy and goes to wake his husband up.

"Baby," he whispers into his ear. "What...." Niall groans.

"It's time to wake up."

"Only if you kiss me!"

"Mha!" Zayn says dramatically as he pecks Nialls lips. Niall smiles and grabs on to Zayn's neck,"Your kiss will never get old."

After Niall, Zayn, and Zachary ate breakfast, Niall went to work kissing his husband and son goodbye. Zayn drove his son to Louis' house.

"Dada? Dwd uou tell wuncle Lou thwat I'm stwayiwng for da dway?"

Zayn shrugs,"he'll find out...when we get their." Zachary giggles,"ywour fwunna!"

"Thanks, baby. Love you."

"I wouve ya too!"

Zayn knocks on Louis and Harrys flat door. "Lou, Harry!"

He hears slight moaning noises coming from inside. "Gross." Zayn mumbles. Zachary has a worried look on his fac, then the door opens, a puffy lipped, messy haired Harry,"Hey guys."

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Zayn asks, a smirk on his face.

"I leave at 9 for work," Harry shrugs.

"Hazzy and Louwe, are ok? Awre wou in pwain?" Zachary asks, and holds on to Harrys hand. Harry blushes and nods,"hmm..." Zayn laughs, and walks into the lads apartment.

Louis sitting on the counter in the open kitchen, hair messy, and no shirt on. "Sup, Z?"

"Hey, Louis. Can you watch Zach?" Zayn asks, seeing that Zachary is with Harry, both playing with the black and white cat named Cupcake.

"Sure, you know that ZZ is like my son from different father's!" Louis stands up from the counter and gives his best friend a hug. "Never say that again," Zayn grumbles.

Louis smiles and Zayn and Louis walk over to Harry and Zachary.

"Hey-" Harry smiles at his boyfriend but Zachary cuts him off.

"LouLou!!" The three year old jumps up and hugs the man's legs. "Hey kiddo." Louis bends down to look at the small boy,"Wow your hair is getting long bub." Zachary nods,"I want ta cwut wt so wt will louk like Papa Ni's!"

"I won't mind cutting it, unless your dad wants to get a professional," Harry says looking over at Zayn. "Thanks Harry that would be great," Zayn smiles.

"Yeah! No mwore guirl hair!" Zachary cheers and spins around giggling. Zayn smiles and picks up the boy,"You going to be good for uncle Lou and uncle haz?"

"Yep!" Zachary pulls out a thumbs up.

"Alright. I'm going to miss you."

"Wait, Dada gotta lweave?" Zacharys eyes start to get teary.

"Yes, baby. I have to get to work. I love you..." Zayn kisses his baby boys head. Please don't cry. "I'll be back in a few hours. You have Cupcake and your uncles to take care of you."

"DADA!! I WANT MU DADA!!" The boy starts swinging his legs and crying. "Baby, stop that," Zayn places the boy on the ground.

Suddenly, the cat comes by and starts rubbing against the crying boy. "C-cwupwake..." he whimpers and starts petting the cat who starts to purr,"Cwupcwake! Bye bye Dada!"

"My own son loves a cat more than me..." Zayn sighs, Louis and Harry laugh and wave Zayn goodbye.

"I'm sweepy."

"Lets go cuddle than, love," Harry smiles and picks up the young boy, taking him to Louis and his bedroom. "LouLou cwomes ta..."

Louis smiles and walks behind his curly headed boyfriend.

Harry doesn't wear his flower crowns much, he says that he didn't need flowers to show that he is pure.

But, now the best thing for Harry is a kid. And marriage. Both things Louis doesn't really want, or he thinks he doesn't need.....

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now