Chapter 8~ Liam, Dylan, 2 year-olds, and a kiss

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Authors note: Wattpad has rated this chapter R, even though their is NO smut in this chapter. There is cussing though. This story will not be full of smut, but every few chapters there will be some. Anywhore, hope ya'll like this chapter. And, comment what ship name you want for Dylan and Liam!


"Da'! Da'!" Jamey and Jake squeal.

Liam bends down to pick up the 2 year old twins. "Hey my cuties," the British man smiles at his kids. They have about the same brown hair as Liam, and have the darker eyes of Dylan.

"Lets not forget Papa, who has to feed, bath, and care for you too. For 5 days, while Dada sets on his ass for those 5 whole days. I fucking work my ass of while he sells shit on Ebay," the American man groans, and rolls his eyes.

It is true that Liam does make money by selling items on Ebay. Dylan has a job the at least pays the bills, he is a male stripper. Dylan works at a gay strip club named Lights, Cameras, Dicks. Yeah, its not the classiest way to go, but he didn't go to college, or finish the last year of highschool because he was pregnant with Jamey and Jake.

"Don't say things like that infront of the kids," Liam hisses. Liam is still very mature. He structures the twins more then Dylan, but the children still love him, cause he is Liam. He is just a really loveable guy deep inside.

"Alright, can I say bye to my kids?" Dylan asks, with a snobby tone. "Of course," Liam smiles politely. He understands why Dylan might have anger towards him. After all they broke up the day Dylan was going to tell him he was pregnant.

"Bye lovies," Dylan whispers in the twins ears, kissing their foreheads. "Bye-bye, Pa'!" They smile up at their father,"Wove ya!"

"I love you guys too," Dylan hugs them tightly, not wanting to let go.



I sigh as I watch Dylans car drive away from my flats parking lot. I hate goodbyes....

I pick up Jamey and Jake again, one hanging from my neck, the other being held in my arms. "What do you guys want to do?"

"Drawww!" The excited brunettes cheer. "Alright, but don't speak so loud. Other people might get mad," Liam says, softly. "Oh, we sworre."

After I set up the kids coloring station, I put on some music in the living room, which me and the kids start singing too.

"WUPTWON FWUNK!" Jake sings, loudly. Jamey giggles and holds onto Kenny, her teddy bear. "Jakey, fwnny," Jamey smiles. Jake is the sassy, funny twin. Jamey is the sweeter, softer twin.

For about 15 minutes no one was talking, just smiling and listening to the music.

"'ACH! Gotta hawe 'Ach!" Jake screeches, and jumps up from his small chair. "You want me to invite Zach over?" I ask, not really understanding the boy. Jake is having more trouble speaking then Jamey. Jamey doesn't cut of her words, while Jake still does. "Wes!" Jake starts jumping up and down.

Zachary and Jake are bestfriends. When Niall and Zayn adopted the boy, I took Jake and Jamey with me to met their cousin. The twins were about a year old, while Zachary was 2. Zachary was all over the younger kids, hugging, cuddling, giggling, and even check-kissing Jake. Of course Jake and Zachary didn't find anything wrong with little check pecks, but Zayn, Niall, and I were a bit worried. They are in fact cousins, maybe not by blood but still. We still allow all three of the children to have play-dates, but we keep a close I on Zach and Jake. 

"Ok, I'll call Uncle Niall and ask," I reply. 


"Hey, Niall, its Liam."

"Oh, hey whats up?"

"Well, I have Jamey and Jake over and they were asking if Zachary could come over for a play-date."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll have him over in a few minutes!" 

"Cool, thanks Ni." 

"No problem, big bro."

"Swooooo?" Jake asks, with a hand on his hip. "Uncle Ni, will be over with Zach in a few minutes. And put that hand down, young man," I reply.

"Wncle NiNi? Yeah!" Jamey smiles, widely. Her and Niall get along very well. He almost treats her like his own daughter. 


Jake's POV

When Zachy comes over we go straight to my room, leaving Jamey to talk to Uncle Ni.

"Jakewy, is small," Zach giggles, placing a hand on the head. "N'! Yowr wre ol'er, thwats why!" I groan crossing my arms, and pout my lips.

"Oh, down't worry, I wike that wour're smwall," Zach kisses my check making me blush. He only kisses my check, not Jamey. He says that's because he likes my checks better! I like Zachy too. He also says that only people like his daddies, Louis, and Harry kiss like that. My dadies don't though, that's because Dada said "Bye-Bye" to PaPa.

 We set down on my racecar bed, which takes up much of my room. Their are only two bedrooms in my Dadas house. My room can only hold a bed, a dresser, and a closet with no door. Jamey's room is bigger then mine, it has a princess bed, two dressers, and a big closet. Dada sleeps on the couch and uses a cardboard box in the leaving room to hold clothes.

"Zachy?" I lean my head on the older boys shoulder. He hums back. "'id ywou cwut you' hwair?" 

"Yep, Haz did!" Zachary smiles and makes a pouty face, making me giggle. "Dwon't d' thwat! 'Uo lwwk swlly!" I point at his lip. He doesn't fix it and just looks at mine. Am I supposed to put mine. I copy his pouted lip. He seems to lean foward so, I do the same. He closes his eyes, I close mine. 

We kiss. On the lips. WOOOOOOOW! It is short, but I still like it.

"I-I umm...." Zachary blushes. We set their in silence for a while until I let out a small chuckle, making Zach do the same making us both laugh hard.

The door opens, Dada, Ni, and Jamey are standing there. "Hey, what are you guys up to?" Uncle Niall smiles. 

"No-" Zachary starts to say.

"We kwssed!" I say, proud of myself for doing a grownup-thing. 

"W-what?" Dada and Niall chock out. Jamey looks very confused,"Huh?"

"I-I'm swrry..." Zach whimpers out. What is so bad about kissing? Niall and Zayn do it. Louis and Harry do it. Why can't Zachary and I do it? 

"Zachary, w-we should get going. Tell everyone goodbye. When we get home we are going to have a talk mister," Niall says, jaw locked. 

"Um...I'm hwungry," Jamey pulls on Dada's shirt. "Later, right now Jake and I are going to have a chat," Dada sighs. 

That's never good....

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