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This is the end.

This is the start of something new.

This may be the last chapter,

But who knows when the story will end.

It goes through the moving in together for Liam and Dylan. The marriage between Louis and Harry. Sadly the health of Zayn causes a scare. Their youngest boy is mentally disabled. Maxie and Tyler becoming fathers. Zachary and Jake figuring out their sexuality. And Jamey well...being Jamey. Flora avoiding her twin brother. Felix, finding love, even with the hate he gets.

But, all of this will be explained in the next book.

But, let's end this part of the long story in a happy note.


Nialls POV

"Papa! Dada!" Zachary smiles, and holds up a picture that he drew during preschool.

"Hey, my baby,"Zayn smiles and lifts Zach up over his head and kisses his cheek, making the young boy giggle.

"What is that?" I ask, curiously, and point to the piece of paper in his hand.

"I make a drawing of my family!" He says, when Zayn puts him back on his feet. "See, that's Dada and you," he points to the dark haired and blond haired stick figures, that have their hands locked together,"That's me!" He smiles and points to the smaller dark haired boy standing next to us,"Lou and Haz. Liam and Dylan. Tyler and Maxie. Jamey and Jake!" Over all the stick figures was a yellow sun, but there was also something odd about the picture.

"What's that?" Zayn asks, pointing to a small circle in Nialls stomach. "A baby!" Zach cheers,"Papa told me! He said it was a surprise!"

Guess it's not a surprise any more.

"N-niall your pr-pregnant?" Zayn's eyes go wide and his jaw drops. I bite my bottom lip,"Surprise?"


After 8 months baby Flora and baby Felix were born. Zachy was now a big brother and Zayn and I had three beautiful children.

They had my natural brown hair and deep honey colored eyes like Zayn. So, beautiful.

Felix, has us worried though. During his exam to make sure he was completely heathly, they came to the conclusion. My baby has autism.

Zachary is such a good big brother, to both his younger siblings. He always is watching Felixs every move.

Flora is really sweet, almost never cries, and has the biggest brown eyes. She tends to clean to me like a little koala bear.

Zayn seems to be really happy. He is smiling and laughing, taking care off the kids when I'm gone.

But, he tends to be smoking a lot more then he used to. I hate it so much, and I've already told him how sick it could make him. He doesn't seem to care.

I'm just scared I guess...

I don't want my children to know that their father died young because of something he was doing to himself!


Harrys POV

It's been almost 10 months since Tyler moved in. He is a doll. He helps out around the apartment, and even cooks breakfast sometimes.

I also meet Maxie, Maxie seems very protective of Tyler, but in a cute way. Tyler sometimes stays over at Maxies town house, and gets silly lectures from Louis.

Louis and I relationship is so strong. We know each others needs and wants and respect each other no matter what.

I'm still waiting for that ring though!

Flora and Felix are so adorable. They have Nialls puffy cheeks, and Zayn's slight tan. I felt so bad for Niall, Zayn, Zachy, Flora, and definitely Felix, when I found out that Felix had autism.

Niall and Zayn are gonna have it a bit tough getting to know Felixs emotions.

Zachary and Flora might become embarrassed knowing that poor little Felix has that disability.

Felix. Felix is going to have to face the bullies at school when he gets older. People are really cruel.

I'm waiting for a ring though. And I can't wait!


Liam's POV

"Babe, Jamey and Jake want you to come over," Dylan says to me over the phone.

"Are you sure it's just the kids that want me there?"I smirk.

"Liam. Just come over!" Dylan laughs.

"On my way, love."

"Love you."

"Love you too. Tell the kids that Dada will be over in just a few minutes and that I love them."

I smile to myself. Everything is perfect.

I have the man. I have beautiful kids. I have a home.

But I want a home with Dylan, Jamey, Jake, and I. We will feel more like a family.

Dylan and I are know respecting each other much more than we did when we were in highschool.

Our relationship is not just based on sex. We make love.

Dylan is the love of my life and I know it.

Jamey and Jake also want me and Dylan to live together. They say that we aren't a family if we don't live together.

And I want a family with the 3 loves of my life.


A/N: Really short, but that's because it is just the epilogue and the prologue for the sequel is gonna be out!

It's called

The Beginning NOT the End ~ Ziall, Larry

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now