Chapter 13

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And I woke up for the second time that day in Luke's house. Without Luke.

I stretched my arms out, waking me up fully from the long nap I had taken. And by long nap, I mean a really really long nap.  had fallen asleep at about 11:30 and now it was about 4:45. So I was out for about five hours. 

The pain in my hands had subsided quite a bit, and the bruising was less noticeable. I guess Luke was right about that. He was kinda like my own personal doctor. I thought for sure that Luke would wake me up when he got home, but I guess not.

I've gotta go find out how the rest of his day went, I bet he's in the kitchen. I made my way down to the kitchen, Luke no where in sight. But Liz was there, starting dinner for the boys. 

“Hi Liz, how was work today.” I asked, stepping fully into the kitchen. 

“Oh it was great! I hope your feeling better!” Liz said to me. “Do you have any idea where Luke is? He hasn't come home yet.” Oh well that answers my question, but where could he be?

“I was just about to ask you the same thing Liz, but I have no idea.” Where the hell could a six foot tall teenage boy be hiding, its not like he's hard to miss.

“Oh, well I think you should be getting home Julie, your Mom got home about an hour ago. But Ill have Luke call you when he gets home okay?” She said, my mom must be getting worried though, she hasn't seen me in a full 24 hours. 

“Ok Liz, Thank you for letting me stay here last night,” I said pulling her into a hug and her giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“ Anything for my Julie, your like the daughter I never had.” She said to me. “Now get your butt home J, your Moms getting worried, do I did as I was told and waled out the door to the house next-door. 

I opened the door to my house and in a sing-song town screamed “IM HOMEEEEE”. And from the kitchen I could hear my mom starting our own dinner, even though I know neither of us were that hungry.

“Hi Mom!” I said while stepping into the kitchen.

“Hi baby! How are your hands. Liz said that they were pretty bad. If worse comes to worse I can probably wrap them for you.” She said.

 Gosh she always knew exactly what to do when someone got injured, which is basically how she got herself the job of our team nurse. So whenever someone got hurt while playing, whether it be an injury from sliding, to being hit by a pitch, she always knew what to do.

“Nah, I think Ill be fine Mom. But what are you making for dinner?” I asked, looking down at the frying pan on the stove.

“Just some chicken, I figured that you'd want to get some more protein in you since you've been training so hard.” 

“Oh, thanks Mom. I'm just going to grab an ice pack and head up to my room for a little while okay?” I said. “If you hear from Liz that Luke's home call me okay?”

“Okay honey, Dinner will be ready in an hour.” 

I waled upstairs into my room, turning on some music and grabbing my laptop. Something I didn't use very often, and looked up some videos of the great College softball teams online. I've been trying to figure out some ways to make myself an even better player so I could maybe get a scholarship. 

I had watched about 10 different videos of the players batting before I got a text from Luke. Thank God, I was so worried about him. But the text that appeared on my screen just made me even more nervous . 

Noodle: I need you to open your back door right now.

For Luke, these kind of text were very abnormal.e was just the kind of guy who would walk straight through my front door, without even knocking. Its not like I minded though. It was one of my favorite things about him.

I didn't question him though, maybe he just needed to talk to me. I went downstairs and headed to the backdoor, making sure my Mom didn't notice me. I unlocked the door to be met by the face of my best friend. 

“Oh My God Luke, what happened!”

3 Strikes~Calum Hood A.U.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz