Chapter 17

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And I cried, and cried. My head leaning on his chest, his hand on my back rubbing in circles. But he said nothing. He knew how much this hurt for me. Because I'm finally realizing how shitty someone I called my best friend actually was. 

The fact that Benny would go as far as hurting my best friend. Well  he punched him, and then sent him to get even more beat up. How fucking low could he get. He knew what was going to happen, he knew that they were going to beat him up. I just couldn't believe that Benny would do that.

“Shh Julie, its okay. Were okay. I'm okay.” Luke kept telling me. But it was very hard to believe. Were not okay. Hes not okay. And even though right now I feel like my worlds crumbling down, I still have to take care of Luke, as of right now hes my number one priority. 

“Alright, enough of throwing a pity party for myself, lets get you fixed up and then well eat some dinner yea?” I said while dragging him out of the bathroom. At this point I didn't care if my Mom saw, I didn't care what she thought happened, God I only cared that Luke was okay.

“Here, you go up to my room, Ill go grab an ice pack out of the freezer.” I said, releasing my hand from his for the first time in about a half hour and sending him up the stairs. So, I've gotta decide. Am i going to tell my Mom whats going on, or am I going to lie. Lets just see if she asks.

But even before I could get one hand on the freezer, I was interrupted. “Honey, did I hear Luke in the bathroom downstairs? What were the two of you doing down there? You were in there for a while?” she said with a raise of fear eyebrows.

“Oh my God Mom! Nothing, he just had a rough day today, Benny ended up punching him in the stomach and he busted his lip during practice.” I said, I just couldn't lie to my Mom, that much. “Just, don't tell Liz, you know how she freaks out.”

“Oh I know honey, I promise I won’t. Like remember that time Luke fell when you two were skateboarding? I've never seen her yell so loudly.” she said with a giggle. “Here's an ice pack, tell him I hope he feels better. Ill call you down when dinners ready and you can bring some upstairs for you and Luke.” 

“Oh, thanks you so much Mom. Ill come down in a little bit. “ I told her before heading back up the stairs. My Mom is probably the best person ever, she's so chill, yet so sweet. I was finally at the door to my room, which was slightly open, giving me the clue that Luke had been listening in on mine and my moms conversation.

“So, what were we doing in the basement?” Luke said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Oh my God, shut up!” I yelled, pushing him lightly on the shoulder to get my point across.  “You know both my mom and yours have always wanted the two of us together. They like totally ship the two of us. Badly.”

“I know, I know. They really want Juke to be a thing.” He said, sitting back onto my bed.

“Wait, wait, wait. They have a ship name for the two of us!” I said, staring at him in disbelief.

“Juke, Julie and Luke.” He said, not even able to keep a straight face.

“Juke,” I said, taking a seat next to him. So our parents not only wanted the two of us together, but they've actually had serious conversations about the two of us together. And they knew about shipping! What do our parents do when the two of us aren't around. 

“Yep Juke.Were there main OTP.”


Hiii so this chapters dedicated to @amy1403 ! Thank you so much for reading!

Im so sorry that this is a filler chapter, so I will updat eagain tommorow. 

So, Juke? Comment below about how you feel abotu it. 

3 Strikes~Calum Hood A.U.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz