Part 1

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You run from the place you called home, it was pouring rain. You didn't care, you needed to get out of there. You had a back pack, and a large suitcase. You packed all the clothes that you needed/always wore into the suitcase. Which was most of your clothes, you put you tooth bush, hair brush, and your other necessities into the suitcase. Then you put the stuff you could not leave without into your backpack. The sun was setting, you made sure you left after dinner so that your parents wouldn't notice you were gone for a while. You had gone through the window in your room.

You knew exactly where you were going to go. You were soaked with the rain. You ran for a while, until you made it to a bus stop. You only had to wait 5 minutes for the bus, once it arrived you got on. You were on the bus for about an hour until it arrived at the stop you needed to get off at. You got off and started running again. You ran for about 20 minutes until you finally made it to your location, The Umbrella Academy. You go up the steps on knock on the door. You wait a few seconds until a woman with dark hair answered the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" She asks softly.

"Umm hi, I'm here to see Reginald Hargreeves." You answer.

"Oh, I'm so sorry but he passed away a few days ago." She says.

"Oh well thank you for your time." You say. You turn to walk away.

"Wait!" She says, you turn back around. "Maybe I can help you." She offers. You nod. She moves to the side some so that you can walk in. "I'm Allison by the way." She smiles.

"I'm y/n." You smile back.

"Here follow me." She says walking into a family room. 2 couches facing each other, you sit on one couch, Allison sits next to you. "So why did you come here?" Allison asks.

"I'm like you, I have powers." You answer. Allison looks at you kind of shocked.

"But you're so young." Allison points out.

"Well my main power is shadow travel, I got trapped in the shadows for 17 years. While I was there I didn't age." You explain.

"Reminds me of my brother, my brother can time travel I guess you could say. He basically teleports. He got trapped in the future for 17 years. Well for him it was like 50 some years. But he is still in his 13 year old body." Allison smiles.

        "Could I possibly stay here?"  You ask softly.

        "Of course, we have a extra room. I think the others would love to meet you." Allison says. You smile. Alison gets up and go over to the stairs. "Guys come down here I have someone for you to meet!" Allison yells. Your eyes admire the room as you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Your eyes move to the entrance of the family room. They land on a boy. Must be the brother Allison was talking about. Along with the boy there were 3 men and a woman. "Guys this is y/n, she is like us. She has powers." Allison says.

        "What are your powers?" One of the men asks. He kind of reminded me of Batman.

        "I have three but shadows travel is my main power. I can also turn into any animal I want and see the dead but I rarely use the ones." You answer.

        "But you're so young." The very large man says. His torso almost looked like an apes torso, it was so large.

        "When I was 13, actually 13, I went into the shadows but I couldn't get out. I was stuck for 17 years. I aged mentally but not physically." You explain. You see the boy smirk.

        "Reminds me of little Five here." The other man says putting his hand on the boy, Fives shoulder. "I'm Klaus by the way, I think you and me are going to be besties." Klaus says taking his hand of Fives shoulder and coming over to me and hugging me.

        "I'm Luther." Says the big ape man.

        "I'm Diego." Says the other man.

        "I'm Vanya." Says the woman.

        "Five could you show y/n to a room?"  Allison asks.

        "Sure." Five smirks. He grabs your suitcase and back pack. He teleports, blinks, away with them and then comes back without them. "Follow me." He smiles. You follow him up the stairs.

        "You didn't have to bring my stuff up you know." You say softly.

        "It's not a big deal only took me 3 seconds." He laughs. He leads to a room. (Imagine at the top, but with out the chandelier thing hanging over the bed).

        "Wow." You whisper.

        "I'll let you get settled in, my room is across the hallway if you need anything." He says.

        "Thank you." You smile. He smiles back at you. He gets closer to you, he kisses your cheek then he leaves. Your cheeks heated up, you were blushing. You quickly open your suitcase and grab dry clothing, you go into the bathroom and change. When you walk out of the bathroom Klaus, Allison, and Vanya were sitting on your bed.

        "Girlie night tonight." Klaus smiles. You smile.

        "Alright I'm in." You laugh.

        "Alright we are going to go get some snacks and stuff from the store. Y/n you can stay here and look around if you want." Allison says. You nod, they leave and you start walking around. You make your way to the kitchen and you bump into someone.

        "Sorry." You mutter. You look up seeing Five.

        "It's okay." He says blushing a little bit. "What are you doing?" He asks.

        "I was just looking around, and then got kinda hungry." You answer making eye contact with him. You blush softly.

        "Oh I was just about to make some food, what do you want?" He asks going over to a cabinet.

        "I could really go for a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich." You answer, Five turns back to you looking at your shocked.

        "You like peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches?" He asks.

        "Yeah, why?" You ask.

Umbrella Academy // Five X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now