Part 12

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        You wake up from a loud thud then some creaking.

        "What was that?" You ask yourself, you notice the academy was starting to fall apart. Five wasn't with you anymore. He must have left while you were sleeping, you quickly get up and get out of your room. You see Klaus.

        "Y/n hurry we have to get out of here." Klaus says. You, Klaus, Luther, Diego, and Allison all got out of the academy as fast as possible. The academy was crumbling faster and faster until there was no more. You all started checking it out, you saw Vanya walking away. You walk away from the group, none of them seeing you walk away. You then go into the shadows so no one would see you following Vanya. Before you started following her you see Five come up to the group.

        "Where is Y/n?" Five asks.

        "She was here just a second ago." Klaus answers, that was the last thing you heard until you start moving to follow Vanya. You kept a safe distance as you were following her even though you were in the shadows. You followed her to her apartment then to the place where the concert she was in was being held. The concert had started, you just stayed back and listened and waited. Then out of no where Diego and Luther run onto the stage but Vanya uses her powers to push them away, people start freaking out but she uses her powers to keep the people keep playing their music. You come out of the shadows, Allison and Diego start pushing people to leave. You all hid behind the chairs, then people wearing masks came in with guns and started shooting. You tired to connect with your inner self. Your powers were similar to Vanya's, she could become light, like where her clothes turn white and everything, you could do that but yours was dark. As you continued to try to connect with your inner self you see Klaus come in and project Ben, who then used his powers and killed some of the masked people, which was a lot of help.

        "Come on Y/n you can do this." You whisper to yourself. Just then Five blinks next to you.

        "There you are." He says.

        "Five I can stop her." You say.

        "What how?" He asks.

        "I can't explain it but I know I can." You say, Five nods. "I just need to focus." You say. Five kisses your cheek and the blinks over to the others, and just when they go to 'attack' Vanya uses her powers to hold the boys up in the air. That's when it happened, your clothes turned all black, your true power was out, you got out from behind the seats. "Vanya!" You yell.

         "No Y/n wait! She will hurt you!" Five yells. You start getting closer to Vanya.

        "Vanya! You don't have to do this! Show them that you are not what your dad thought! Be better!" You yell. Vanya pushes you back some with her powers. "Vanya don't finish this concert! I can help you! We all can and we will! Vanya please, just stop! I'm here for you!" You yell, she tries hitting you with some of her power but it doesn't affect you. You were as powerful as Vanya, maybe even more powerful, but you could control yours. "Vanya, think about all the innocent lives. Like this innocent little baby inside of me." You say, Vanya looks at you, she was still playing but slowed down a little bit. "Vanya I'm pregnant. What about all those other little babies out there. You don't want to hurt them do you?" You ask, she shakes her head no. "Then you need to stop playing Vanya, for me, for all of us, please." You bed, she immediately stops playing, the boys fall out of the air. Vanya collapses on the floor. You go over to Vanya and kneel down next to her. You 'darkness' does away, you knew Vanya had passed out from using too much power. "Thank you Vanya." You whisper. Five walks up to you, you stand up and hug him tightly. "Hey can you blink me to the roof really quick?" You ask.

        "Yeah of course." He answers, he pulls away from the hug and grabs your hand, he blinks you guys to the roof. "What are you going to do?" He asks.

        "Erase the people's minds from the past hour." You answer.

        "You can do that?" He asks.

        "Yep." You smile, you go to the edge of the building and start doing some kind of spell, white sparks that look like snow start falling down, you see that people who were freaked out calm down, so it had worked. You turn back to Five. "Okay we can go back in now." You say.

        "Wait before we do go back inside, can I ask you something?" He asks.

        Of course, you can ask me anything Fivey." You smile, Five gets closer to you and gets down on one knee. You gasp, tears come to your eyes. "Five..." You whisper. He pulls a small box out of his pocket and opens it up revealing a small golden ring, with a small diamond on it... "Y/n Y/l/n I know we haven't been together long, but from the minute I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one. And now we are going to have a baby, Y/n I love you with all my heart. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks.

        "Oh my gosh Five! Yes! Yes! Yes!" You exclaim, he quickly takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto your finger, he then stands up and you guys hug. "I love you so much Fivey." You whisper.

        "I love you so so much princess." He whispers back.

        "Maybe we should just have a small wedding." You suggest.

        "Yeah and soon before you get a big baby bump." He says, you pull away from the hug and kiss him. Then you pull away.

        "We should probably go tell the others." You say. Five blinks you guys back into the building. "I'm going to go try something really quick first." You say, you go over to Allison who was with the others by Vanya. "Hey Allison can I try something really quick?" You ask. She nods and you carefully place one of your hands on her throat. You close your eyes and focus on your powers, then after a few seconds you take your hand away. "Try talking." You say.

        "H-hi." She says. You both smile and you notice the boys smile too. "O-oh my gosh I c-can talk, t-thank you Y/n." She smiles.

        "Of course, you can also take the bandage off." You say, Allison takes the bandage off and there wasn't even a mark on her neck. You go back over to Five.

        "Alright everyone we have some news." Five says.

        "We are getting married!" You exclaim and hold on your hand that the ring was on.

        "And if you didn't already hear from Y/n speech she said to Vanya, Y/n is pregnant." Five smiles.

        "You probably should have waited until Vanya was awake." Klaus says, causing you all to laugh. Allison comes over to you.

        "Let me see the ring Y/n" She says. You hold out your hand to her. She admires it. "It's a good one Five, I'll help you guys plan the wedding." She smiles.

        "Well we want to do it soon before I get a big baby bump and we want a small wedding like just the 7 of us and Ben of course." You smile, you often didn't use you power to see the dead but you were using it right now and could see Ben smiling.

        "We are going to have to rebuild the academy." Diego says.

        "Yeah but if we work together it shouldn't take long." Luther says.

        "In the mean time I have some where for us to stay." You say. You had a friend who had given you a house to stay at if you ever needed to get away from your parents, well her and her parents gave it to you. It was a very larger house, 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms.

        "Are you sure?" Allison asks.

        "Yeah of course." You smile.

Umbrella Academy // Five X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now