Part 4

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        It is now a couple days later, you and Five are in his room working on some apocalypse stuff. You are sitting next to Dolores.

        "So you were married to her for 30 years?" You ask.

        "Yeah..." Five answers still working. Luther comes walking into the room.

        "Five maybe you should take a break, you've been working on this for 3 days now." Luther says.

        "Luther I can't take a break, the apocalypse is coming." Five snaps.

        "Five you are obsessed." Luther says.

        "I am trying to save the world." Five snaps.  Luther sighs and grabs you by the throat, gently, and he also grabs Dolores. He hangs you both out of the window.

        "Sorry." He whispers to you.

        "Let them go." Five growls.

        "Five you need to stop." Luther says.

        "No!" Five yells. Luther drops both you and Dolores. Five blinks to the window below and only catches Dolores, which shattered your heart. Before you hit the ground you go into the shadows and 'run' away. "Shit!" Five yells.

         "Five you didn't catch her!" Luther yells from above. "You didn't catch the real person!" Luther yells.

        "Shut up Luther! I have to go find her!" Five yells. Now with you, you were just walking around and talking to yourself.

        "And to think I fell in love with him, he doesn't even care about me." You whisper. You sit on the ground and start crying. You see feet in front of you and you look up. "Who are you?" You ask.

        "I'm the Handler but..." The woman starts then she bends down towards you and injects something into your neck and you start feeling dizzy. "Sorry I need to kidnap you." She whispers and you fall asleep. You wake up in a room, laying on a bed, a very comfy bed. You sit up and the door to the room opens. "Ah your awake." The woman smiles.

        "I like this bed, it's comfy." You say. She looks at you confused.

        "You are not worried that I kidnapped you?" She asks.

        "No not really, this is honestly kind of great not gonna lie. Best thing that had happened to me all day." You laugh. "I fell in love with a guy who doesn't care about me at all, but I do wonder why you took me." You explain.

        "Well I was hoping I could use you to get to Five." She answers.

        "Good luck with that." You laugh.

        "Is he the guy?" She asks. You nod.

        You have been with the Handler for about two days now. Honestly has been pretty great. But you don't like the Handler. You were in 'your room' reading when the Handler comes in.

        "We are meeting Five today." She says.

        "Does he know you have me?" You ask.

        "No, get ready we will leave in 10." She says. You nod and she leaves. You change into skinny jeans and a sweater. When you walk out of the room she was waiting for you. "Ready?" She asks.

        "I guess." You answer. You guys 'teleport' to the place where Five was. Basically no where on a road. The Handler kept you hidden behind her. You guys appear in front of Five but he doesn't see you.

        "Hello Five." The Handler smiles.

         "What was it that you wanted?" He asks annoyed.

         "I want you to come and work for me again, just one job." She says.

        "In return could you stop the apocalypse?" Five asks.

        "That's impossible." The Handler says. Five holds up a gun, pointing it at her.

         "Then I can't work for you" Five says. The Handler pulls you out from behind her and Five's eyes widen.

        "Maybe this will change your mind." The Handler smiles.

        "Are you okay?" Five asks worriedly.

        "Don't pretend that you care about me." You snap.

        "I do care about you." Five says.

        "If you cared about me you would have caught me and not the mannequin, I am a living person and she is plastic." You snap.  Five doesn't say anything.

        "Y/n could you give Five and I a couple minutes?" The Handler asks. You nod and go to the car that Five drove here and sit in the back seat. You start crying lightly, a couple minutes later you hear the car door next to you open and then Five gets in, sitting next to you.

        "What do you want?" You ask not looking at him.

        "I'm so sorry, I should have caught you." He says.

        "Yeah you should have, if I didn't have my powers I could have gotten hurt." You snap. You still didn't look at him, you softly puts his fingers under your chin and turns your head to face him. He wipes your tears.

        "I think something else is upsetting you." He whispers.

        "Because when you didn't catch me it showed that you didn't care." You start. Five goes to say something, but you continue. "And that broke my heart because..." Your voice cracks some. "I'm in love with you Five." You whisper. Five quickly smashes his lips into yours. At first you didn't kiss back until you melted into the kiss. He slowly pulls away.

        "I'm in love with you too, but I can't ask you to be my girlfriend yet." Five says stroking your cheek with his thumb. At first you look at him confused but then you assume he has a good reason for it.

        "Okay." You whisper. Five softly kisses you, then pulls away.

        "I have to go with the Handler for today or maybe a few I'm not sure." Five says.

        "What no you can't go, I know you don't want too." You say cupping his face.

        "I don't want to and I don't want to be without you, but if I don't go she will take you again. I will do the job as quick as possible." Five says, a few tears slip from your eyes. "Please don't cry." Five whispers. You nod and wipe your face off. You guys get out of the car and Five goes to walk away.

        "Five wait..." You say grabbing his hand and pulling him back to you, you plant one more kiss on his lips.

        "I promise I will try to be back as soon as possible." He says. You nod and he goes off with the Handler. You go back to the academy and go lay down in your room. You end up falling asleep but then you wake up later to Allison shaking you.

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