Part 5

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        "Y/n wake up." Allison says.

        "Go away." You groan.

       "Five is here and he is injured." She says. You quickly get up and out of bed and run downstairs. You go into the lounge area. You see Five laying on one of the couches. You quickly go over to him. You kneel on the ground.

        "Fivey are you okay?" You ask. He doesn't answer. Grace comes into the room and talks to Luther for a second. Then Luther comes over and picks up Five and takes him out of the room. You couldn't see Five because Grace was working on him. She had said he probably wouldn't be awake until tomorrow morning. You went up to your room and laid back down in bed. You had fallen asleep while crying. You wake up the next morning being slightly shaken.

        "Hey wake up." A voice whispered. You open your eyes and see Five.

        "Five!" You gasp. You sit up and softly hug him. "Are you okay?" You ask pulling away from the hug.

        "Yeah I'm okay, especially now that I'm here with you." He smiles. "I found out who causes the apocalypse." He says.

        "Who?" You ask.

        "This guy named Harold Jenkins." He answers and then goes to get up.

        "Five, before we get started can I have cuddles pwease?" You ask.

        "Fine I guess." He smirks. You scoot over on your bed and open the covers up for him. He lays down next to you. You lay the blankets down over him. You lay on your back and he lays on top of you. He buries his head into your neck. You comb your fingers through his hair. You start falling asleep and so does Five. Five thinks you are asleep so he starts talking. "Y/n I know I don't really show it, but I love you I really do, so much. I can't ask you to be my girlfriend yet because with the apocalypse going on, I don't want you to feel like I don't give you enough attention and I want to be able to give you all my attention." He whispers. You smile to yourself and then you fall asleep and so does Five. You wake up an hour later and Five was still asleep.

        "Fivey wake up." You say. He buries his head deeper into your neck.

        "No." He groans. You softly rub his back with one hand and comb your fingers through his hair with your other hand. He kisses your neck a few times. You let out a shaked breath. You feel him smile against your neck.

        "F-Fivey we really need to get up." You say.

        "I know but I don't want to." He says. He kisses your neck once more. "I don't think you do either." He smiles against your neck. He lifts his head and kisses you on the lips softly. Then once he pulls away he buries his head back into your neck. "Can we just lay here a little longer?" He asks.

         "Okay fine." You smile.

        "Yay." He whispers. You guys continue cuddling. Every once in a while you feel Five kiss your neck.

        "Alright Five time to get up." You say.

        "No!" He groans.

        "Five..." You sigh.

        "Can we just work while we cuddle?" He asks.

        "Fine, what's the guys name?" You ask.

        "Harold Jenkins." Five answers.

        "So he is the guy that looses the eye?" You ask.

        "Mhm now we just have to find him." Five whispers. There is a knock on the door and Klaus comes in.

        "Heyyyy love birds." Klaus smiles.

        "Get out Klaus." Five mumbles.

        "No he can stay." You say. Five groans into your neck.

        "So have you guys done the thing?" Klaus asks.

        "What thing?" Five asks.

        "The nasty." Klaus smirks.

        "Klaus!" You yell.

        "Please kick him out." Five begs.

        "Y/n come make brownies with me." Five says.

        "Oooo okay." You smile. You try to move Five off you.

        "No we are cuddling." Five mumbles.

        "We can cuddle later now come make brownies with us." You say.

        "Fine." You groan. He stands up and pulls you up. The three of you go downstairs to the kitchen and start making brownies.

        "I call mixing!" Klaus shouts. He grabs the hand mixture and sticks it in the batter and turns it on but the stuff goes everywhere.

Umbrella Academy // Five X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now