Part 3

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        The next morning you wake up tangled in Five's arms, you carefully get out of his arms and leave the academy. You go to the store and buy a few small things and a bag of coffee beans (Five's favorite). Then you go back to the academy and start making breakfast for everyone. French toast, eggs, and bacon. Klaus walks in just as you start.

        "Hey." You smile.

        "So were you warm last night, snuggled up to Five?" Klaus smirks. He walks next to you. You blush, and lean closer to Klaus.

        "I really like him." You whisper.

        "I knew it." Klaus smiles.

        "But please don't tell him." You beg.

        "Fine, but I will try to get him to tell me if he likes you." Klaus says.

        "You'd do that?" You ask.

        "I need you and him together or I will never believe in love." Klaus explains. You laugh softly and continue making breakfast.

        "How do you want your eggs?" You ask.

        "Scrambled." He answers. You nod, then you start making Five's coffee. "Oh my gosh that's Five's favorite coffee, when did you get it?" Klaus asks.

        "This morning." You answer.

        "You got it just for him didn't you." Klaus smirks.

        "Maybe." You smile. When you are almost done with breakfast the others come in. "Hey guys." You greet.

        "It smells good in here." Allison smiles.

        "Y/n has been cooking all morning." Klaus says. You smile and add the last French toast to a pile that you had. You dump Five a cup of coffee.
        "Here you go." You say holding the cup out for him.

        "Thank you." He says taking the cup from you. He takes a sip and his eyes widen. "This is my favorite, when did you get it?" He asks.

        "She went to the store this morning and got it." Klaus smiles. Allison, Vanya, and Klaus all smile at each other.

        "Awww." Allison smiles.

        "Awww what?" Five asks.

        "She got the coffee for you." Vanya says. Five looks at you waiting for you to confirm or not, you blush.
        "We need to eat the food before it gets cold." You say. Everyone makes their plates then you guys sit at the table. Everyone takes a bite.

        "Wow y/n this is amazing." Klaus cheers.

        "This is the best food I have ever tasted." Five says.

        "Thanks guys." You smile, you all finish eating. Allison and Vanya clean up and Klaus stays in the kitchen with them. You go up to your room and put some of your clothes away. There is a knock on your door, you look over and see Five in the door way. "Hey." You smile. You sit down on your bed. Five stays in the door way until you pat next to you on the bed motioning for him to sit next to you. He walks over to you and sits down.

        "So did you actually get the coffee for me?" He asks. You hesitate at first.

        "Y-yeah I did." You answer.

        "Why?" He asks.

        "I uh- I just know you like your coffee." You smile. You could tell Five doesn't believe you.

        "Are you sure?" He asks. You nod. He brings his face closer to yours. His lips centimeters away from yours. "I don't believe you." He whispers. He slowly leans in more and right before you guys are about to kiss you hear your door creek a little. Five pulls away from you quickly, you both look towards the door and see Klaus.

        "Aww why didn't you guys just kiss." Klaus whines.

        "Klaus get out." Five groans.

       "Not until you guys kiss." Klaus smirks.

        "Klaus!" Five yells.

        "I'm waiting." Klaus smiles. Five quickly grabs your face and pecks your lips. Then he looks back at Klaus. You were shocked.

        "There are you happy now?" Five asks. Klaus was smiling widely but he nods then leaves. Five looks at you. "I have to go I'll see you later." Five says, you nod and he leaves.

        It was now night time, you were laying on your bed and looking at the ceiling. There is a knock on your door.

        "Come in." You say. Five comes in then closes the door, he walks over to your bed and sits down.

        "Hey so about earlier, I'm sor-" Five starts.

        "Don't apologize." You say sitting up.

        "I just don't like how it happened." Five starts. "I wanted it to be special, like before we knew Klaus was there." He finishes.

        "Maybe we could try again." You smile. Five looks a little confused at first. Then you smash your lips into his. After a couple seconds you pull away.

        "Wow." Five smiles.

        "Was that special?" You ask.

        "Yeah." He smirks. You lay back down, Five strokes your cheek with his thumb. "Good night." He whispers.

        "Good night." You whisper. Five plants a soft kiss on your lips then he leaves, and you fall asleep.


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