Part 11

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        "Allison..." You whisper. She comes over and sits down on the bed, she writes down on a notepad.

        'Don't blame yourself' she shows it to you and you nod, then she writes another thing. 'Did you tell Five?'

        "Not yet, yesterday was kind of all over the place." You answer. Allison writes something else.

        'You should tell him now, it would make me happy.' 

        "Okay you go get the stuff from Klaus's room, I'll go get Five." You say, Allison nods. She gets up and goes to Klaus's room. You go downstairs into the living room area and see Five. "Fivey I need to show you something." You say.

        "What is it?" He asks. You grab his arm and start pulling him up the stairs.

        "It's upstairs." You say. You pull him to your room where Allison and Klaus were with the bags. You make Five sit down on the bed, you get a pacifier out of one of the bags and hand it to Five.

        "I'm confused, why do I need a pacifier?" He asks. You roll your eyes and hand him one of the baby blankets. "Why do I need a blanket?" He asks.

        "They are not for you dummy." You smile and pull the pregnancy test you took yesterday out of one of the bags and hand it to Five. Five studies it for a second then he looks up at you, his eyes wide.

        "Y-you're pregnant?" He asks, tears come to your eyes and you nod. Five stands up and hugs you. "We are having a baby." He whispers. He pulls away from the hug and cups your face and kisses you. But then he pulls away. "Wait...we used protection though, I am the father right?" He asks. You smile softly and roll your eyes.

        "Of course you're the father, sometimes, very rarely, protection doesn't work." You answer, Klaus comes over to you guys and pulls you and Five into a group hug.

        "You guys are going to be the best parents." Klaus smiles. Klaus then lets go of you guys.

        "We should wait to tell the others until after we figure out this apocalypse stuff." You say, Five nods. Klaus and Allison leave the room. Five presses his forehead to yours.

        "I love you so much and our baby." He whispers.

        "I love you too Fivey." You whisper back. Five back you sit on the bed, he kneels down on the floor in front of you. He lifts up your shirt a little bit and kisses your stomach.

        "Hi there baby boy or girl, your mommy and daddy love you so much already." He whispers. Five stands up and kisses you. "I have somethings to take care of but I'll be back later okay?" He says, you nod and Five leaves. After a while you leave your room to go see what the others were doing, but you couldn't find them. That was until you went down to a vault thing and found them. They had Vanya locked up in the vault thing, she was banging on the door, wanting out.

        "What is going on, why is Vanya locked up?" You ask.

        "You should know, she hurt Allison." Luther answers. You looked at Allison who was not happy that they had locked Vanya up.

        "Let her out." You say.

        "No." Luther answers.

        "Vanya didn't mean to, she can't control her powers right now." You say.

        "She could have killed Allison." Luther says.

        "I said let her out!" You yell, then you felt a sharp pain in your neck. A dart was sticking out of your neck, a tranquilizing dart. You were familiar with these, you parents used them on you quite often when you were younger. You look over and see that it was Diego that had shot you with it. You see Allison look at you worriedly, then she looked at Diego angrily, she shoved him. That was the last thing you saw before everything went dark. Then you woke up in your room, while you were out you had 'dreamt' of all the other times you had been shot by a dart. You were laying on the bed, you move to the floor and sit down, leaning against your bed. You start softly crying. You pulled you knees to your chest. Five comes into the room and sees you crying. He quickly came over to you. 

        "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked.

         "T-they shot me w-with a tranquillizer dart." You answer.

        "Who?" He asks.

        "Diego." You whisper. You could see Five turn very angry, he gets up and goes over to the door of your room, he opens it, revealing Diego and Luther who were just about to knock on the door.

        "What is wrong with you guys?!" Five yells.

        "Look we are sorry." Luther says.

         "Sorry?! You're sorry?! You shot her with a tranquilizing dart!" Five yells.

        "I had t-" Diego starts.

        "No you didn't!" Five yells.

        "She didn't agree with us when he locked Vanya up." Luther explains.

        "Because Vanya doesn't deserve that! She didn't mean to! Allison isn't dead! Besides locking up Vanya is probably making her powers go crazy! YOU GUYS DIDN'T HAVE TO SHOT MY GIRLFRIEND WITH A TRANQUILIZER DART!" Five yells.

        "Diego did it, not me." Luther says.

          "You told me to get it! It was your idea!" Diego yells. Even though Five's back was too you, you could see him getting angrier and angrier. Five pushes Luther and starts kicking his legs.

        "Fivey, it's not worth it." You say. Five turns to look at you.

        "They hurt you." He says.

        "Be better than them, Luther is doing this because Vanya hurt Allison. Be better than Luther." You say. Five comes in the room, slamming the door. He comes over to you, he picks you up and places you on the bed. He lays down next to you, wrapping his arms around you.

        "How are you feeling?" He asks.

        "I'm a lot better now that you are here." You answer.

        "How is our little baby?" He asks.

        "I bet he or she is doing just fine." You smile. You then fall asleep in Five's arms.

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