Part 10

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        When you flip over the test it said 'Pregnant'. You, Klaus, and Allison all softly gasp. Tears came to your eyes, Allison pulls you into the best hug she could and Klaus joins in.

        "Don't worry we are here to help you, you and Five will be amazing parents." Klaus says.

        "I'm scared." You whisper.

          "Look I was scared too but trust me it's going to be amazing to be a parent." Allison smiles, you smile back.

        "Alright let's go get some baby neutral stuff so I can tell Five." You say, Allison drives to a shop, you guys go to the baby area. You guys get neutral pacifiers, onesies, and baby blankets. After you guys go home and drop off Klaus, you and Allison were going to go see Vanya before you told Five you were pregnant. You guys pulled up to the academy.

        "We will be back soon, hide the stuff in your room Klaus." Allison tells Klaus, he nods. Allison drives you guys to the cabin Vanya was at. It was now dark outside, when you guys got to the cabin, you both got out of the car and went inside. You guys see Vanya playing her violin, somethings were shaking due to Vanya's powers.

     "What are you guys doing here?" She asks. And today at breakfast Five had told you guys that Harold Jenkins was actually Leonard, Vanya's boyfriend. You and Allison had done some research and found out Harold, Leonard, had gone to prison for 12 years because he murdered his father, he was now using Vanya for her powers.

        "We came to find you." Allison said, you stayed out of the conversation, they were sisters and they needed to talk. So you also didn't really listen to what they were talking about. You just got lost in your thoughts, You sat on the couch which was across from the two chairs Allison and Vanya had sat down in. Allison and Vanya started yelling at each other, you always hated yelling so you went into your shadow. You didn't listen to them, you just watched. The next thing you know Vanya uses her powers and cuts Allison's throat, with her violin stick. You quickly come out of the shadows.

        "Allison!" You exclaim. Both you and Vanya run over to her.

        "No no I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Vanya cried.

        "Vanya it's okay, don't worry. I know you didn't mean to and so does Allison. You don't have control over your powers right now. You hear footsteps and quickly go into your shadow. Harold came into the cabin and told Vanya to come with him, she hesitated, not wanting to leave Allison. But then she left with him, you came out of the shadows. You held Allison's head in your hands. "Allison I need you to stay with me, please." You cry, tears were now streaming down your face, blood covered your hands. After about 15 minutes the boys had shown up and came inside, Luther was the first to come inside.

        "Allison!" He exclaims. He runs over to Allison, he takes her into his arms then he looks at you. "Why didn't you help her?!" He yells.

        "I-" You tried to answer but you didn't know how to answer, tears just kept streaming down your face. Five comes over to you.

        "Don't yell at her!" He yells at Luther.

        "I-I'm so sorry, I d-didn't know what t-to do." You whimper. Five hugs you, Luther takes Allison to the car, you all go back to the academy. You traveled by shadow. You go to the academy before the others. When you got there you went to your room, locking the door. Then you went into the bathroom and got undressed. You get into the shower and turn on the water. You sit down on the floor of the shower just letting the water rain over you. You say there crying softly thinking 'If I wasn't so scared I could have help her' you sat in the shower for about 20 minutes until Five blinked in and sat down in front of you.

        "Baby look at me." He says, you slowly like your head, making eye contact with him.

        "I could have helper her but I didn't, I was too scared." You cry.

        "No one blames you." Five says.

        "Everyone blames me! I just sat there crying while Allison was dying." You yell. Five turns off the shower water.

        "No one blames you, I promise. You were scared, that's okay." He assures.

        "She could have died Fivey and I did nothing to help her." You lean foreword, placing your forehead on Five's shoulder, crying harder.

        "You weren't the one who did it baby, you were scared. They probably would have done the same if they watched it happen. Now come on let's get you to bed." Five says. He helps you out of the shower and helps you get dressed into some comfy clothes. Five changes his clothes then you both get into bed.

        "I love you Fivey." You whisper.

        "I love you much. Please don't blame yourself for what happened to Allison." He says. You nod burying your head into his neck. You fall asleep, the next day you didn't get out of bed for most of the day. You were too upset with what had happened, it was a little later in the day like 2:00 pm. There was a knock on your door.

        "Come in." You say. Luther walks in.

        "Hey I'm sorry about yesterday, I don't blame you. Anyway you have a visitor." He says, he moves out of the way revealing Allison.

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