Part 2

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"It's just that I have never met anyone else who likes peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." Five smiles.

"I haven't either." You smile back. He makes you and him each a sandwich, you guys sit and the table and eat.

"So what's your story, why did you come here?" Five asks.

"So when we were all born and Reginald came to get me, my parents said no to him. Then as the years went on my powers grew more, and my parents thought I was a freak. One day I was super upset, I wanted to leave, so I went into the shadows but I wasn't able to get out for 17 years. When I got back a few days ago everything was a lot worse. I couldn't handle it so I ran away and came here." You answer.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers.

"It's okay, I feel like I fit in here. I don't feel like a freak." You smile softly. Five puts his hand on yours, rubbing the back of your hand softly with his thumb.

"You will never be a freak." He whispers. You make eye contact with him, you both look into each others eyes until you hear people come into the kitchen. Five quickly takes his hand off yours, you look to see Klaus, Vanya, and Allison with quite a few bags.

"Wow." You say.

"We got a lot of stuff." Klaus says.

"Yeah I can see that, it's perfect for tonight." You smile.

"Wait what are you guys doing tonight?" Five asks.

"Having a sleepover." You answer.

"Can I join, I have nothing to do?" Five asks. You look at the others waiting for them to answer.

"Fine, be in y/n's room at 5 pm." Klaus sighs.

"I'll be there." Five laughs. You stand up and take a few bags from Klaus then you, Allison, Vanya, and Klaus take all the bags up to your room.

"Now that Five is coming we can't talk about our love life's." Allison sighs. You all laugh.

"We could do it now, before he comes." Klaus offers. You all agree. You all sit down on the floor, Klaus closes the door to your room. You lean against your bed.

"Well it's obvious y/n has a thing for Five." Vanya smiles. You could feel your face heat up.

"What, no I don't." You answer quickly looking down at your hands.

"You do! Aweee!" Klaus cheers.

"Okay, can we just forget about boy talk and set up for tonight." You beg.

"You guys would be so cute together." Klaus smiles. You blush once again.

"Can we please just start setting up?" You beg. They laugh, you stand up and start taking stuff out of bags. They help you set up. You had food/snacks and drinks set up on your dresser. There was a popcorn bar, small bags of popcorn (like bags of chips), different types of soda, candy, other snack stuff. Once you guys finish up Five comes in.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Now that everyone is here let's get this party started!" Klaus cheers.

"What should we do first, games or movies?" Allison asks.

"We should do games first, then movies later when it is darker." You answer. Everyone sits down on the floor and you guys start playing Monopoly. Five lands on your property. "Pay up Five." You say.

"No thanks I'm good." He smirks.

"You landed on my property, so you have to pay me." You say grabbing some of his monopoly money, only the amount you needed.

"Hey, that's stealing give me my money back." He says. You put your face close to his, your noses almost touching.

"You landed on my property." You whisper.

"Awe look at you too." Klaus says. You realize how close your face was to Five's and quickly lean back. You and Five both blush. Then you guys finish up the game.

Now you guys were playing charades, the last game until you guys were going to watch movies. You were very clearly acting out a bird, but them the timer goes off saying your turn was over.

"BOOO!" Five yells at you.

"I was clearly acting out a bird." You growl.

"Yeah it was pretty obvious." Vanya says agreeing with you.

"Then why didn't you answer?" Five asks.

"We wanted you to answer." Klaus smiles. Five rolls his eyes and takes a piece of paper out of a hat you guys were using. He looks at it for a few seconds then puts it down, he stands up in front of you guys.

"BOOO!" You yell at him.

"I haven't even started, you can't boo." He says.

"You booed me, so I boo you." You answer. He walks over to you and gets very close to you.

"You're just mad because I can act better than you." He whispers.

"You wish you could act as good as I can." You answer.

"You guys are adorable." Klaus says. Five backs away from you.

"Anyway can we watch a movie now?" Five asks.

"Yes, we got A Dogs Way Home." Klaus answers.

"Oh my gosh, that's my favorite movie!" You cheer. Klaus gets the movie set up, you had two bean bags in your room. One bigger than the other. Klaus, Allison, and Vanya shared the bigger one. You and Five shared the smaller one. You lean closer to Five. "Just warning you I will probably cry." You whisper in his ear.

"And I will comfort you." He whispers back, smiling.

"Thank you." You smile. You both blush and just as the movie was ending you both fell asleep, cuddling each other.

"Awe look at how cute they are." Allison whispers to Klaus and Vanya.

"If they don't get together, I don't believe in love." Klaus whispers.

"They are perfect for each other." Vanya whispers.

"Yeah but we all know Five is too stubborn to admit his feeling." Allison sighs

Umbrella Academy // Five X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now