Part 6

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        "Klaus! Now we have to remake the batter!" You yell.

        "It's not my fault, it's the hand mixer's." Klaus say. You roll your eyes. You and Five get all the ingredients ready again then Five takes the mixer from Klaus.

        "I think I'll mix this time." Five says.

        "Good idea." You add.

        "But I wanted to mix." Klaus whines. Klaus starts throwing a fit but you and Five ignore it. Five starts mixing the batter.

         "Klaus you can help make the chocolate frosting." You say. (Also yes frosting can go on brownies, usually it's chocolate. Just saying that if you didn't know. I've had questions about it). Klaus immediately stops throwing his fit and starts running around laughing.

        "My gosh he is such a kid." Five groans.

        "It's funny." You smile.

        "It's annoying." Five grumbles.

        "Five, he's your brother." You say.

        "Technically no, we were both adopted." He says.

        "Shut up." You growl.

        "Make me." He smirks. You kiss him and feel him smile against the kiss.

        "Guys stop you make me feel single." Klaus says.

         "Oh be quiet and help me make the frosting." You smile. Five dumps the brownie batter into a pan then puts it into the oven. You and Klaus make the frosting. You get on a stool to put the flour back on a shelf. When you were about to get down, you feel a leg of the stool break. You fall but Five catches you.

         "Falling for me I see." Five smirks.

         "You know it." You whisper. You look at the door way one the kitchen and see Diego laughing. "You! You broke the leg!" You yell laughing.

         "Maybe." Diego says laughing. Five puts you down and blinks over to Diego.

        "You try hurting my girlfriend again and I'll kill you." Five growls.

        "I was just messing around and besides she had you to catch her." Diego says.

         "Five I'm fine and I could have just gone into my shadow." You say. Five blinks over to you and kisses your forehead.

        "I can't have anything happen to you, I need you." He whispers.

         "I can protect myself and if not I have an amazing boyfriend that will do everything he can to protect me." You whisper.

        "You got that right." He smiles.

         "Oh and you never asked me to be your girlfriend weirdo." You say.

        "Right...y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Five asks.

        "Of course I will Fivey." You smile. You place a soft kiss on his lips then the timer for the brownies goes off.

        "Yay!" Klaus cheers. You get the pan out of the oven.

         "Okay they need to cool for a little bit then we can frost." You say. You all just hand out for a little bit while the brownies cool, then you frost it, Klaus cuts himself some of the brownie then he leaves. You and Five each take a brownie.

        "Can I feed you yours?" Five asks.

        "Why?" You ask.

        "Because it's a cute couple thing." He answers.

        "Okay but only if I can feed you yours." You smile. Five nods and kisses you, then you guys feed each other. "Wow those were good." You say wiping your mouth.

       "You have some frosting on your nose." Five laughs. He wipes your nose and you blush. Allison and Luther walk in.

        "Hey guys we made brownies, help yourselves." You say.

       "Don't mind if I do." Luther smiles. He cuts himself a small square of out the brownies.

       "What happened to the stool?" Allison asks.

        "Diego tried to kill my girlfriend, that's what happened." Five says. You roll your eyes.

        "He wasn't trying to kill me he was messing around, I'm fine." You say.

       "Yeah yeah we need to get to work." Five says.

        "Work?" Luther asks shoving the brownie in his mouth.

        "Apocalypse stuff." You answer.


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