Part 7🍋

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A/N : In this part there will be a little smut, I will let you know when it is starting and when it's over so that if you want to skip the smut part. Also before anyone is like "aren't they 13?" Technically no, they are only in their 13 year old bodies. But y/n is 30 and Five is well, in his 50's

        You and Five go up to your room. Once you walk in Five closes the door and pushes you against the wall and starts kissing you. He pulls away for a second.

         "We should have kids." He whispers. He goes to kiss you again but you softly push him away.

        "What?" You ask.

        "We should have kids." He repeats. You put your hands on his shoulders.

        "Fivey I want to have kids with you, but we haven't been together long I mean technically we only got together today. We aren't even married." You say. Five places his hands on your waist.

       "We would have cute kids." He smiles.

        "Yes we would." You smile. "But also with what's going on right now getting pregnant probably isn't the best idea, it could be dangerous. Maybe if all this stuff wasn't going on I would say yes. And it's not like we are young we just look young." You say.

       "I love you y/n." He smiles.

        "I love you too Fivey." You whisper.


       Five kisses you softly then starts kissing your neck. You let out a soft moan. His hand makes its way to your lower region and he starts rubbing.

        "Five." You moan. Five carefully moves you guys closer to the bed and pushes you down. He takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear. You sit up a little and he takes your shirt off you. He then removes your pants and underwear. Then he unclips your bra  and throws it on the floor. He admires your body for a second. He then starts kissing your stomach and then getting higher and then he sucks on your right breast and massages your left with his hand. Your fingers run through his hair. Soft moans leaving your mouth. He pulls away for a second.

        "Condom?" He whispers.

        "There should be some in my drawer." You answer. He smirks. He opens the drawer to your bedside table and pulls out a small packaging, a condom. He takes off his underwear and slips the condom on. He lines himself up at your entrance. He looks at you for consent and you nod. He enters you.


        Afterwards Five rolls off of you. You both were out of breath.

        "T-that was amazing." You whisper.

         "Y-yes it was." He smiles. He tucks some of your hair behind your ear. "I love you." He whispers.

        "I love you too Fivey." You whisper. You both smile and Five kisses you softly. Then someone comes barging through the door, Klaus. "Oh my gosh Klaus get out!" You yell. You and Five quickly pull the covers over you guys.

        "Oooo yeah get in." Klaus smirks.

         "Klaus get out!" Five yells throwing a pillow at Klaus.

        "Okay okay not need to be violent daddy~" Klaus laughs and leaves the room closing the door.

        "Why didn't you lock the door?" You ask.

        "I thought I did." Five answers.

        "Well at least no one walked in while we were doing IT." You say and peck Fives lips. "I'm going to take a shower now." You say getting out of bed but as soon as you go to stand you fall. "Okay maybe not." You whisper. Five laughs and gets out of bed and helps you up back onto the bed.

        "I did that good huh?" He smirks.

        "You did an amazing job." You smile. You look Five up and down. "You do realize you still don't have any clothes on." You say.

         "Well it's nothing you haven't seen before." He says. You roll your eyes.

       "Okay well can you help me take a shower please?" You ask.

        "Of course baby." He says picking you up and taking you to the bathroom, you guys take a shower and he holds you up the whole time. The shower helped your legs so you were now able to walk on your own but you limped a little. You got dressed and sat on the bed.

        "Okay now we really have to get to work." You say.

        "Okay I'm going to go grab something really quick." He says. He leaves and Vanya comes in.

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