Part 9

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        Both you and Allison had fallen asleep while watching a movie. You wake up and see that it was 11:00pm. You softly shake Allison.

        "Allison we never went to see Vanya." You whisper.

        "We can go see her tomorrow or something." She whispers back then falls asleep, you quietly get up and go to your room where Five was asleep in your bed. You get into bed next to him, he turns over and pulls you close to him.

        "How was your day?" He asks.

        "Good, yours?" You ask.

        "We didn't find the guy but I think we are getting closer." He whispers, he presses his lips yo yours, kissing you passionately. After a few seconds he pulls away. "I love you." He says.

        "I love you too Fivey." You say, you bury your head into his chest and fall asleep. The next morning you wake up and see Five still asleep, you carefully get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen where you see Allison making pancakes.  

        "Hey do you want to go get the test after breakfast?" She asks.

        "Sure, then we can talk to Vanya later." You answer.

        "Yeah also you may want to get a few tests, when I was pregnant with my daughter I found out 3 days after my husband and I had...well you know." She says.

        "But I thought you said I should wait 8 days so that I would have a clear answer." You say.

        "It depends on the person, that's why you should get a few so that you can try one today and then another in a couple days." She answers. 

        "Okay." You say, you help Allison finish up breakfast. "Alright let's go wake up the others." You say. Allison nods and you both go upstairs, you go to your room and get on the bed, laying on top of Five. "Fivey wake up." You say.

        "No." He groans.

        "Fivey come on Allison and I made breakfast." You say. Five slowly opens his eyes.

        "I need kisses first." He smirks. You smile and roll your eyes, you press your lips to his. He places his hands on your lower back, he deepens the kiss which turns into a little making out. You pull away.

        "Fivey breakfast is getting cold." You smile.

        "Can't I just have you for breakfast?" He smirks. You smack his arm.

        "Get up and come eat breakfast or you won't have anymore kisses for today." You say.

        "Fine." He groans. You both stand up but Five picks you up and swings you over his shoulder.

        "Put me down." You demand.

        "Nope." He says and walks downstairs and into the kitchen.

        "Can you please put me down now?" You ask. Five puts you down gently. "Thank you." You smile, you peck his lips and then the others come into the kitchen.

        "After breakfast Y/n and I are going out, so it will just be you boys today." Allison says.

        "Can I come please???" Klaus begs.

        "Okay fine but no one else can come." Allison says, everyone starts eating. While you were eating you started feeling sick.

        You start thinking to yourself 'It's only been one day, how can I already be feeling sick. Like Allison said it depends on the person but I don't think you cant tell within a day, but I'm also not a normal human. Maybe that's why Allison was able to tell, because she isn't a normal human.'

        After breakfast you go upstairs and get dressed and ready to go out with Allison. When you were almost done Five comes in and comes over to you.

        "Do you have to go?" He asks. You cup his face.

        "Yes but I promise we won't be gone long." You say, you kiss him and leave, meeting Klaus and Allison in the car. "Should I tell Klaus?" You ask Allison.

       "Yeah I mean he is going to wonder why you are buying the tests." Allison says. You turn and look at Klaus who was in the back seat.

        "Alright Klaus I'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone." You say, Klaus nods. "I might be pregnant." You say. Klaus gasps and smiles.

       "I'm going to be an uncle, oh my gosh the baby is going to look so cute." Klaus smiles.

        "Also Allison we might be able to find out today, you found out on your third day probably because we are not normal humans." You say.

        "You are probably right, if you are pregnant how are you going to tell Five?" She asks.

        "I honestly have no idea." You sigh.

        "Well how about you take the test right after we buy it and if you are pregnant we could go buy some baby things and give it to Five as a present." Klaus suggests.

      "That's actually a really good idea Klaus." Allison smiles. You guys go to a shop and get some pregnancy test then you guys go to a gas station so that you can take a test and so you guys can also get some snacks.

        "Alright here I go." You say. You go into the bathroom and take the test then you leave the bathroom and you guys pay for all the snacks and then you guys go back to the car.

        "Okay Y/n I think it's been about 5 minutes there should be results." Allison says, you nod and take a deep breath. You flip over the test and it said...


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