Part 8

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"Hey I need to talk to you." She says.

"Okay what's up?" You ask, patting the bed next to you, offering her to sit, she walks over and sits down.

"I have powers." She whispers.

"You wh-" You start.

"Shhh I don't want the others to know yet." Vanya whispers.

"What are your powers?" You ask.

"I'm not exactly sure yet, something weird happened last night. I'm going to the forest with Leonard today to figure them out more." She says.

"Leonard?" You question.

"He's my boyfriend." She says. She then stands up and leaves. Five walks in.

"What did she want?" He asks.

"Nothing, she just wanted to talk." You say.

"The others agreed to help us find Harold Jenkins." He says.

"Okay I'm going to go talk to Allison really quick." You say. Five nods, you stand up and kiss him then you leave the room. Your leg was still a little sore but you could walk. You find Allison in her room. "Hey can I tell you something?" You ask.

"Yeah of course." She smiles. You come in her room and close the door.

"Vanya has powers, or she got her powers back because she stopped taking the pills." You say.

"How did you know about the pills?" Allison asks.

"I'm not stupid, and I pay really good attention to things. But is this a good or bad thing that she has her power?" You ask.

"Honestly I don't know. Father never exactly told me why I always had to rumor her." Allison answers. You nod and leave her room, you go back to yours. You see a not from Five on the bed. You pick it up and read it.

'The boys and I are going to look for Harold, I wanted to bring you but the guys said it should just be us. You and Allison can have some girl time. I love you. - Love Fivey.' The note said. You smile and put the note down and go back to Allison's room.

"Alright boys are gone me and you can have some girl time." You smile. You plop down on her bed.

"I bet they dragged Klaus along." She laughs.

"I wouldn't doubt it." You say and you both laugh. "So what should we do first?" You ask.

"We could do face masks, watch movies, talk about boys." She says.

"Okay how about we do face masks and while we do that we can talk about boys then we can watch movies." You offer.

"Sounds good to me." She smiles. You both go into her bathroom and put on face masks. "So, I guess you could say Luther and I are together. I don't really know, we kissed last night." She says.

"Wait really?" You ask and Allison nods. "Awe." You smile.

"So how are you and Five doing?" She asks.

"Amazing." You smile.

"Klaus told me about earlier." She smiles.

"Dang it Klaus." You sigh.

"Don't worry he only told me. Did you guys use protection?" She asks.

"Yeah." You answer.

"Just warning you protection doesn't always work." She says. (Protection can sometimes not work its rare but if you have seen Friends then you know)

"Are you serious?" You ask.

"Yeah one time my friend did it with protection, but the next thing you know she is pregnant." Allison answers.

"I should take a test but it's too early to find out." You say.

"Yeah you should wait a couple days." She says.

"Allison what if I am pregnant?" You ask.

"You and Five will be great parents. And you with have me and the others to help you out." She smiles.

"Thank you, tomorrow or in a few days will you go get a test with me?" You ask. Allison nods.

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