Part 13

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        A month later, today you are Five are getting married, and it was about time for you to walk down the aisle. You wore a beautiful white dress. The top part really brought out your curves, it had spaghettis straps. You hair was in a low, pretty bun. You make up was gold eye shadow. Allison wore a dark green dress. Diego wore a suit since we was officiating, obviously Five wore a suit because we was the groom. The other boys and Vanya wore dressy pants and button up shirts.

        "Are you nervous?" Vanya asks.

        "Very." You answer.

        "It's time Y/n." Allison smiles. Klaus comes in the room, he is the one walking you down the aisle. Allison and Vanya go in first, then Klaus walks you down and hands you off to Five.

        "You look amazing." Five whispers. You smile, Diego starts and does everything an officiator does, which takes about 20 minutes.

        "Now time for vows, Y/n." Diego says.

        "Five, I never would have thought that I would be standing right here on this day but I couldn't be more happy. You are the love of my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our child. I love you." You smile.

       "Now Five." Diego says.

        "Y/n I am so grateful that you are here with me on this day. I never would have thought I would have found real love, with a real person." Five laughs, you all laugh softly. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our child whom I also can't wait to be born. I love you so much." He smiles, everyone claps.

        "Y/n do you take Five to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Diego asks.

        "I do." You smile.

        "Five do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Diego asks.

        "I do." Five smiles.

       "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Diego says. Five quickly grabs your waist and pulls you to him, he kisses you passionately.

        Now four months later it is the gender reveal party. Your baby bump was quite big for only being five months pregnant. You look at Five.

        "Are you ready to find out the gender of our baby?" You ask.

        "Yep." He says and kisses you.

        "Alright guys it's time to pop the balloons." Allison says, she hands you a balloon and Five a balloon along with toothpicks. Everyone counts down from three and then you and Five pop the balloons. Blue confetti and dust comes out of yours and pink confetti and dust comes out of Fives.

        "Wait what?" You ask.

        "What's going on?" Five asks.

        "It's twin!" Allison exclaims. You and Five look at each other shocked but then Five pulls you into a hug, you start crying tears of joy.

        "We are going to have a little boy and a little girl." You whisper. Klaus comes over and does a group with you guys. 

        "Congrats you guys." Klaus cheers.

       "Thank you Klaus." You smile.

        "You guys are going to be amazing parents." Vanya says.

        "Thank you Vanya." Five says then looks at you. "I love you." He whispers.

        "I love you too Fivey." You whisper back.

        Four months later you are hanging out with the girls, the boys were out somewhere. You and the girls were just talking when...your water breaks.

        "Oh my god." You say.

        "What?" Vanya asks.

        "My water just broke!" You  exclaim.

        "Okay Vanya call Five! Come on Y/n let's get you to the hospital." Allison says and helps you to the car while Vanya calls Five. During the car ride you kept having contractions. About about a 15 minute drive you guys arrived at the hospital, a nurse got you a room. The doctor came in and told you that you were already 6 centimeter dilated, just 4 more centimeter to go. Then she left the room. About a minute after she left Five quickly came into the room.

        "I'm here!" He exclaims and come over to you and grabs your hand.

        'I'm about to give birth to our babies." You smile.

       "I know, I can't wait." Five smiles back, he kisses you and then the doctor comes in and checks on you.

        "Alright it seems like these babies are wanting to come out soon, just 2 more centimeter to go." She says, her and some nurses get stuff ready for when you give birth and then when the babies are out. "Okay you're ready to push. I'm going to count down form 3 then you are going to push for 10 seconds then stop and take a couple deep breaths. We are going to repeat that until both babies are out." She says and you nod. "3...2...1" She counts, you push. You repeat those steps for about 6 minutes then you hear the first baby cry, the doctor hands the first baby to one of the nurses, you keep repeating the steps. After about 5 minutes you hear the cry's of the second baby. The nurse hands the second baby to another nurse. Five kisses you head.

        "You did amazing baby." He whispers. The doctor and nurses clean the babies and then put diapers and hats on them, along with swaddling them. The doctor hands Five the little girl and you the little boy.

        "What are their names?" She asks.

        "Little girl is Rose Lynn Hargreeves." Five answers.

        "And little boy is River Linc Hargreeves." You say.

       "Great names." The doctor smiles, then her and the nurses leave.

        "We did it Fivey." You smile.

        "Yes we did, although you were the one you went through the pregnancy and had to push them out of you." Five says and you both laugh, he looks down at Rose. "Hi baby girl I'm your dada." Five smiles. You scoot over on the hospital bed and pat next to you. Five sits down next to you, you lay your head on his shoulder and you both admire the twins. "I love you Y/n." Five says.

        "I love you too Fivey." You whisper.

        Y/n, Five, the twins, and everyone else lived happy lives. The end.

        A/N : Thank you all for the love and support, I didn't have anymore motivation for this story. But I hope you enjoyed it.

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