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Time...what a funny concept indeed. It is an obsession of our societies, our entire lives built on a second, a minute, an hour, a day. It is the one thing we all want more of: the young for their busy days, the old for a few more breaths. Time never obeys, of course-our clocks are set by a hand not our own, and the moments that tick by are the gifts we are given. How we spend them is a decision all our own, and too often we find ourselves wishing for them to pass quickly so we can get to the next adventure, the next task, the next obstacle.

Sometimes, we just want those moments to heal us with its passage...for isn't it said that time heals all wounds?

Time had done little to ease the ache in Elsa's heart since she'd denied her belief in Jack. She had allowed herself to cry that first night...but the additional tears on the nights to follow were unwelcome and made her feel weak. He didn't deserve her mourning.

Things changed quite drastically in Arendelle with the swarm of locusts that blown over the crop fields. The devastation was complete...not a single plant was spared. The speed at which the insects had worked was shocking and unsettling...none of the farmhands could explain how such damage could occur in a few hours time. But it had, and all that the kingdom could do was to see the crisis through.

Elsa had taken charge, throwing herself into her duties. The days were long, and often she found herself in emergency conferences well into the night. Her diligence to the welfare of her people was unwavering, and she was willing to do whatever it took to see them through the incoming famine.

Her exhaustion was so great by the end of the day that when she finally did tumble into bed, she often slept immediately and dreamlessly. It was a blessed relief, for it gave her little time to ponder over Jack or relive the nightmare of their last meeting. There were a few exceptions...most of them resulting in her waking, frantically looking to the window in desperate hope that she would see his mischievous face on the other side of the pane. Only then did realization come crashing down on her...she was alone, without him, as she'd always be. On those nights, her tears were hot and steady...and she always hated herself for them by morning.

Her busy schedule had left little time for much else, including her sister. Elsa fiercely missed Anna's cheerfulness, and knew she should set aside even a small slice of time to see her...but the opportunity kept evading her. There was always one more meeting, one more arrangement to make. It wasn't until Anna took it into her own hands and tracked Elsa down in the dining area that the sisters finally saw each other.

"Elsa! I'm so glad I found you. How are you?" Anna chirped, breezing into the room and sweeping her sister into a hug.

Elsa struggled to keep the tea she had in her hand from spilling at the unexpected albeit welcome gesture. "Hi Anna. I'm doing as well as one could expect. Have you been keeping yourself busy?" She asked with a tired smile.

Anna nodded enthusiastically. "Kristoff has be helping with the ice. He really thinks that between your powers and his ice harvesters, we should be able to increase trade by 20%." Anna was clearly reciting a fact she had heard from Kristoff, but she looked proud.

"Well, I certainly hope he's right. We'll need to push production of all goods in order to get us through this." Elsa rubbed her temple, then frowned. "I'm sorry, Anna. I really do want to spend some time together, but I'm afraid I must get back to work. Perhaps I can steal time away for dinner with you later this week."

Anna shook her head frantically. "No!" Elsa raised a brow at the exclamation, and Anna cleared her throat. "I mean, dinner would be great. But I really need to show you something...right now. Please?"

Elsa sighed. "Anna, I just can't right now. I'm sorry..."

"Five minutes! That's all it will take, I promise. Please?" Anna clasped her hands hopefully in front of her, reminding Elsa so much of when they were younger than the Queen couldn't help but relent.

"Fine. Five minutes. But then I really need to go, okay?" She told her firmly.

Anna let out a small squeal of happiness and grabbed Elsa's hand, tugging her forward. "Come on! It's in the study."

Elsa wrinkled her nose. "The study? What's so exciting about the study?" She'd spent so much time there the past weeks, she couldn't see how the stuffy room could possibly hold appeal to anyone.

"You'll see! Come on!" Anna cried, all but dragging her sister down the hall.

They reached the study and Anna stopped in front of the door. "Okay, now close your eyes." She ordered.

"What? Anna, really..." Elsa began to object.

"Elsa!" Anna whined. "You'll ruin it if you don't."

Elsa let out an exasperated sigh, then obediently did as she was asked. "Happy?"

"Yes! Now don't open them until I tell you." Anna took her hand and led her into the room. Elsa heard the door close behind them, and then Anna let go of her.

"Can I look now?" Elsa asked.

"Yes!" Anna sounded as if she could barely contain herself.

Elsa let her eyes drift open. They were in the study, which was painfully familiar...but there was something very out of place standing in the center of it. Something that her mind couldn't fully wrap around.

It was a rabbit. But not the kind commonly seen frolicking in the greens by the Square. No, this rabbit was impossibly least the height of a man, or more. It stood on its hind legs like a person, and it's coat was grey with oddly distinct markings. It wore something across its chest, with two wooden weapons peeking out from behind its back. It was the eyes that alarmed her the most. They were piercingly green and so human...Elsa felt like they could see right through her as the rabbit stared at her intensely.

Somehow, that feeling scared her more than its presence ever could.

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