Fine Dining

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We cannot help the hands we are dealt in this life. The cards we are given are all we have, and we must learn to play them wisely. It takes a lifetime for some to learn this lesson...for others, it is taught quickly. Elsa had learned in childhood that she would never be able to rid herself of the icy powers that plagued her...but it had taken until the moment she watched her ice palace rise from the mountainside by the direction of her own hand for her to realize that while she could not change what she was, she could change the destiny that went along with it. She didn't have to be a was all about perspective.

The very same was true now.

It would have been easy to rest in the pit of despair that they had been cast into following the fall of Matoon. Too easy, really...the process had already begun by the time they'd ventured out that morning. North's genius idea had been a refreshing example of how nothing was set in a fate could be changed, if enough thought was given. And it had given them just enough hope to dream on. Just enough to restore them.

Elsa found herself looking forward to the night ahead with a girlish sense of excitement. An evening free from talk of the darkness that threatened them, surrounded by friends and able to laugh freely...oh, how she needed those things. It would be the first time since it had all began that she'd be allowed to relax, to separate her mind from reality if even just for a little while. And Jack would be there to share in all of it...the mere thought was enough to send a little thrill shivering through her.

Elsa took her time in getting ready. She enjoyed a leisurely shower, letting the hot water work out the stiffness of her muscles. There was a dark purple splotch blooming against the rise of her rib cage where Bunny's boomerang had caught her, but the pain was minimal so far. She knew she'd pay for her exertions in the morning, but that worry seemed very far away in light of her excitement.

She used one of the big fluffy towels to smooth and dry her hair, and then wrapped it around herself as she applied a minimal layer of makeup to accentuate her eyes. When she was satisfied with the results, Elsa let her towel fall to the floor as she closed her eyes.

She hadn't been sure just how she would let her magic dress her. She'd only known that she wanted to look striking enough to make Jack look at her in that breathless way of his. Her powers had done the rest.

When she looked down at herself, Elsa gasped in awe. The gown wrapped around her was the most beautiful she'd ever seen-a champagne colored backdrop of fabric shimmering with thousands of golden beads. It was a trumpet cut, clinging tightly to her body before releasing her curves as it fell in elegant ruffles to the floor. It was backless, with two thin and shimmery sleeves that clung low on her arms. Her collarbone and shoulders were left bare, the color of the dress giving her skin a peachy tone. When she moved, the dress blazed, every sequin and bead reflecting glittering fractals of light.

She almost felt physically plain in comparison to such a dazzling piece...but she didn't have the heart to try again. It was just too perfect.

After a final assessing glance in the mirror, Elsa left the room to go join the others. She hurried down the hall, and was nearly to the kitchen when Tooth called out to her. "Elsa! Look at're stunning!" She cried as she fluttered up.

"You're sure it's not a bit...much?" Elsa asked, a bit anxiously.

"Definitely not. It's perfect for a party!" Tooth assured her. "I'd have done the same...except it's hard to look elegant in a dress when you're covered in feathers."

"No dress could compare to what you've got." Elsa said kindly. "You're stunning without any help."

Tooth smiled. "Thank you, Elsa." She didn't look all that confident, though. Elsa suspected it had something to do with Bunny, and the way they had joined hands the night before. Tooth, she believed, was smitten.

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