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Everything seemed to happen very slowly in the moments following the explosion. Jack was vaguely aware of motion as Kristoff threw himself over Anna, driving her to the ground in an attempt to guard her with his body. Someone yelled out-Jack thought it might have been North-but then, everything fell apart around them. The wall shuddered as it took the relentless blows of cannon fire, and then, began to crumble. The window shattered as residual shrapnel peppered it, sending glass and metal fragments spraying across the carpet.

Jack lunged to the ground, covering his head instinctively as another thunderous boom shook the castle. The wall was blown inwardly as a cannon ball finally found its mark, whizzing through the air before crashing through the opposite wall. He could hear Anna's shriek over the crumbling brick, could hear his fellow Guardians yelling out in shock as the wall disintegrated further. Jack squinted through the smoke, coughing violently as he frantically looked to make sure everyone was alright. He could vaguely make out North's mass near Sandy's glittering silhouette, and though he could not see Bunny or Tooth, he could hear the rabbit's colorful curses and assumed he was alright and had seen to it that Tooth was as well. "Everyone okay?" He called out, ducking his head to avoid a wayward brick as it bounced to the carpet.

"Just goddamn peachy!" He heard Bunny growl, followed by Tooth's murmured affirmative.

"We're...we're fine." Kristoff answered, and Jack could hear Anna's anguished sobs from his direction.

"Us as well." North confirmed. Jack could see him sitting up amidst the destruction of the room.

Jack slowly got up, looking at the damage with complete and utter shock. The north facing wall had been obliterated, a large hole exposing them to the outside world below. Small flames licked at the curtains, and pieces of brick and broken glass littered the room. The dust from the explosion clung to them all, and as he tried to run his hand through his hair, Jack realized there were chunks of wood and crumbles of brick there too.

"We gotta get out of her. Right goddamn now!" The dust had settled a just enough, and Jack could see that Bunny was already on his feet. "If they shoot another round up here, we're all gonna be a mess against the wall."

"He's right." North had risen as well, and Sandy was helping Kristoff with Anna. "Kristoff, you must rally the castle's militia. Get as many civilians to safety as you can...we will handle the rest."

Jack was only faintly listening, his attention drawn more closely to the scene unfolding below. The soldiers were advancing at an alarming pace, readying their cannons for another blast. And in the distance, Jack could see the hellish beast, prancing doubt rallying another round of soldiers just beyond the crest of the hill. He was so engaged in his hatred of the horseman that he nearly didn't see the band of warriors that had drawn close to the castle, just to the left and almost concealed by one of the large courtyard trees. It was the scent of gunpowder that drew his attention, and it was with horror that he realized the cannon was pointed directly for the castle.

"They're going to hit us again!" He yelled, stumbling back away from the gaping hole in the wall. "Get Anna out of here!" Jack called to Kristoff, glancing back at the couple. The blonde male was already in motion, pulling the terrified redhead through the door. There was no more time for direction however, as another horrific crash made the castle quake. Jack gritted his teeth against the screams he heard from other rooms, knowing that there was nothing he could do for those people. The best he could do for them was to fight the evil invading their home...and that was exactly what he intended to do.

The Guardians were ready...each one of their faces set hard with determination. Jack did not wait for North to make the call on their next move, however...for he already knew what it was. "Start on the the horseman. I'll try and slow down the troops." He said, the finality in his voice meeting no resistance from the others. It seemed that they too understood that Arendelle's only hope was his ability to push the attack back with snow and ice.

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