The Pole

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Jack looked after her as he stood alone in the dark room, reeling at the reality of what had just occurred. The suffering he'd experienced after two long weeks of being invisible to her was suddenly over, just as he'd begun to accept that she'd never see him again. He felt a sense of wholeness, as if a vital piece of him had suddenly been restored. To not only have her see him, but to also forgive was more than he could have asked for.

But there was something that darkened that happiness, too.

Jack was furious with Bunny. The rabbit had deliberately found a way to enlist Elsa's help without Jack having to agree to it. It was true that his interference had been solely responsible for Elsa's believing in him again, but the cost was insurmountable. Bunny had indirectly put her right in the path of the very same danger Jack had been frantically trying to keep her out of. His hands were tied--all that he could do was stay by her side and keep Pitch and his cohorts from getting close.

Jack had sprawled out on her bed, and had just started to doze when Elsa returned, looking weary but determined as she swept into the room. The sound of the door closing startled him awake, and quickly shot to sitting position, staff in hand.

"Easy there..." She said, a faint echo of amusement in her voice. "Sleeping at a time like this? I admire your abilities."

Jack relaxed at the sight of her, lowering his staff and resting it at his side. He stretched, suppressing yawn as he did so. "It's been awhile since I had a recharge." He said with a shrug. He rubbed his eyes as he got up, trying to clear his foggy mind. "Everything work out okay?"

"As well as could be expected, I suppose." Elsa had pulled a small bag from her armoire, and was heading toward the bathroom. "I believe they believed my tale about a northern country offering assistance. I told them I would need to meet with their leaders, and would be leaving immediately. With winter so close and our crops so devastated, I heard few complaints about my absence."

Jack rested his shoulder against the door jamb, watching as Elsa stuffed small toiletries into her bag. Her hands were shaking slightly as she moved, but she fought hard to conceal her nervousness. "I briefed Anna on what to do while I'm gone. She is confident, but I know she's idealistic. I made sure to ask Kristoff to keep an eye on her. He's got a good head on his shoulders and I trust that between the two of them, Arendelle will be in good hands."

Jack stepped forward, taking her trembling hands in his own. "Elsa, you don't have to do this." She looked up at him, and he could see the fear in her eyes. But it paled in comparison to fierce determination that resided there, too.

"Yes I do, Jack." She told him softly. "I am scared...but I'm angry too. No one has the right to hurt so many people. I want to help end it, Jack. I want to save my kingdom, my friends. I'll do anything to spare their suffering."

Jack stared at her in awe. Her strength, her resilience, her loyalty...all of those made her even more beautiful to him. As badly as he wanted to talk her out of her decision, he knew he'd never change her mind. Elsa would find a way, with or without him. Determination and leadership was her design, built into her character so deeply it would be wrong to try to deter her. "Okay." He said, sighing as he released her hands. "What else do you knees to pack?"

Elsa looked relieved that he'd let the topic drop. "No. I'll dress in my magic while I'm gone. No need to carry extra baggage."

Jack smirked. "An ability every woman would envy."

Elsa grinned. "It has its advantages. So, where exactly are we going...and how are we getting there?"

Jack led her back into the bedroom as he answered. "Everyone should be at North's workshop, at the Pole..."

Elsa paused. "North? As in, Santa? As in...the North Pole?" She asked incredulously.

Jack nodded. "Yeah. That would be the place." Her wide-eyed wonder was almost comical.

"Oh..." Elsa blinked. "You know, Anna was always the one that believed in this stuff. I'm still surprised it wasn't her you came to, back then."

Jack opened the window, and the wind began to howl outside. "I was always more into blondes." He said, grinning mischievously over his shoulder. "Are you ready?"

Elsa rolled her eyes at his comment, before confusion claimed her features. "Yes...but aren't we taking a tunnel or something? Isn't that how it works?"

Jack chuckled. "That's how it works for Bunny. I prefer the above ground method."

"Are you saying..." Alarm began to rise in her voice.

"Hey." Jack moved toward her, smiling gently as he rested a hand on her shoulder. "It's just like before. Except instead of dancing, we'll be flying."

Elsa swallowed hard. "But...but..."

"You're ready to charge off and fight the incarnation of Death, but a little flight bothers you?" Jack asked, amused.

Elsa's brows narrowed. "It's really not nice to make fun of me. Everyone has a phobia, you know."

"Elsa, do you trust me?" Jack asked, letting the humor fade.

"Yes." She answered without a second thought.

"Come on then. I'd never let you fall." He offered his hand, an encouraging smile on his lips.

Elsa hesitated, then reached forward and entwined her fingers with his. "Okay." She sighed. "Let's get this over with."

Jack laughed as he lead her to the window. "Oh, come on. You might actually enjoy it."

Elsa shot him a look. "I'll enjoy having my feet back on the ground." She mumbled, but any further argument was lost on the wind as he pulled her close and lifted to the sky.

As it turned out, Elsa did manage to enjoy herself. The first leg of the trip was punctuated by her yelps of terror and a series of unqueenly curses, but eventually she did relax. By the time the Workshop was in sight, she was even laughing right along with him as he spiraled them in for a landing. When he set her safely on the balcony, her cheeks were red from the cold and we blonde hair was tousled by the wind, but her smile was radiant.

"Jack, did you see the mountains back there? They were incredible!" She gushed.

Jack raised a brow. "Can I say I told you so yet?"

Elsa acted as if she didn't hear him as she turned to take in her surroundings. Her jaw was slack, her eyes widening the longer she stared. "This place is incredible! It makes the castle look small!"

"Just wait til you see the inside. Come on." Jack told her as he opened the huge door that lead to the entryway. As much as he enjoyed watching the amazement dance in her eyes, he had a score to settle with a rabbit.

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