Morning Guest

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Elsa yawned, stretching lithely against the plush pillows and blankets of her bed. The sunlight filtering in through the window was bright, indicating it would be a beautiful....

The window.

Elsa sat up quickly, squinting against the sunlight as she looked toward the window. Or rather...below it. The space on the carpet was empty, and the window was shut firmly, giving no indication of disturbance. The unwelcome weight of disappointment settled on her, and Elsa shook her head at her own stupidity. Of course it had been a dream. She'd over indulged on wine and dreamt that Jack Frost had come in the night. It was no more than that. How foolish could she be, thinking he'd really come back after years of seperation?

Except it had felt so real...

"Interesting hair style, Your Majesty."

Elsa let out a little yelp of surprise, whipping in the direction of the voice. That smooth, mischievous voice. Jack was seated on her desk chair, twirling a pencil around his fingers like a miniature baton. If he'd slept at all, it didn't show--he looked just as full of life as he had the night before.

"My...what...? What are you still doing here?" Elsa stammered, though her hands automatically rose to her blonde strands. She'd left them free when she went to bed, and didn't need a mirror to know that they were haphazard at best.

"Aw, don't try to hide it. You're happy to see me." He smirked at her, dropping the pencil back on the desk. He rose, one hand wrapping around his staff as he leaned against it. His hair hung across his brows, and he fixed her with a teasing grin. "You sure have a lot to say in your sleep."

Elsa gasped, mortified. "You stayed in my room the whole night? You watched me sleep?" Her voice was shrill.

He winced at the shrillness in her voice. "Hey, the servants will think you've lost it." He nodded his head toward the door. "And I didn't watch. I listened, mostly."

"Listened to what?!" She hissed.

"Ohh you know...your confession of undying love, how you think I'm the best looking man in all the land..."

Elsa threw her pillow, hitting him square in his smug face. "I did not say anything of the sort, Jack Frost! And I'll have you know that it is downright creepy that you stayed here all night. If I had known for even a second that you were serious..."

"Hey, hey...c'mon now. I was kidding." He tossed the pillow she'd hit him with on the corner of the bed. "Even spirits need a recharge once in a while. I slept right against that wall, like I said I was going to. Woke up maybe ten minutes before you."

Elsa frowned. "It's still improper..."

"For what? Elsa, we couldn't have been further apart. It's not like I was in bed with you." Elsa paled considerably at the mention of such a notion...though if he noticed, he gracefully avoided the topic. "Besides, even if someone had poked their head one can see me anyway, remember?"

"That's not the point." Elsa growled.

"You sure are grumpy in the morning." He observed, peering out the window to the courtyard below. "Maybe a little stroll in the sunlight would do you some good. Would you walk with me?"

Elsa got out of bed, still trying to smooth her hair with her hands. "I have meetings. I told you that." She didn't bother going to her armoire for clothing. Today, she'd dress in her magic. She was headed straight for the bathroom when Jack's cold fingers encircled her arm, effectively stopping her. She bit back a gasp of surprise, looking up at him.

He was close. Too close. Close enough for her to see the snowflake pattern of his shockingly blue irises, to smell that rustic, woodsy fragrance that had always been him. She knew she needed to step back, step away...but her feet refused to move, as if each one were made of heavy blocks of ice.

"'s important, okay? No fun and games. I really do need to talk to you." The humor had faded from his eyes, giving iway to an urgency that was intense enough to quiet any smart remarks she might have countered with.

Elsa stared up at him for a long moment. Gone was his smirk, the devilish charm. In a single moment, his entire facade had dissipated...and Jack looked vulnerable. She couldn't recall having ever seeing him look that way...and honestly, it scared her a little.

"Okay, Jack." She nodded. "There's a pond, to the east of the castle..."

"I know it." He confirmed.

"I'll meet you there just past sunset. My meetings should be done by then." Oh, it was stupid...agreeing to meet with him again. His abandonment had left her raw...the wounds had scabbed over, but his unexpected appearance had torn them wide once more. It would be hard enough to push him from her mind even now--and it would only get more difficult the more contact she had with him.

Whatever he had to say couldn't possibly be borne of anything positive. It was bad enough to bring him back to Arendale--to bring him back to her when he obviously had wanted to stay away. Perhaps she needed to hear it.

"Do you promise, Elsa? You won't avoid me?" He still hadn't let go of her.

"No, I won't avoid you. Now, please let me shower before I'm late." She pulled free of his grasp. The sensation of his icy fingers persisted in her skin, rising gooseflesh on its surface. She reached for the bathroom door, then paused. "Why didn't you just tell me last night if it's so important?" She asked, frowning at him over her shoulder.

Jack cocked a brow. "Because I was too busy trying to keep you from turning your bedroom into a skating rink?"

"Oh please. I've got more control than that now." She scoffed, though she knew he was right. Her emotions had been riled, and his light humor had kept her focused enough to keep control. "See you later, Jack." And with that, she escaped to the privacy of the bathroom. A click of the lock finalized her retreat.

There was a brief rap on the door. "Elsa?" Jack called.

She gritted her teeth. "What do you want? What must I do to gain privacy in my own room?"

"I still really like that color on you." She could hear the smile in his voice.

Elsa unlocked the door, flinging it open as she charged out. "You listen to me Jack......Jack?"

The room was empty, the window dangling open in the summer breeze. With a small shriek of frustration, Elsa returned to her shower. Damn him!

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