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Jack shut the door, and slid the lock home. There was a finality in the sound that sent a shiver of anticipation racing through her veins, making her pulse begin to race. Jack stepped toward her, stopping an arm's length away. There was a heated look his gaze, as if he were barely restraining something just below the surface.

"Elsa, are you sure?" He asked huskily.

She was suddenly nervous. Oh, so incredibly nervous. She knew enough to understand that a woman's first time was often painful, though Jack would undoubtedly be gentle with her. It wasn't the pain that scared her, however. She wanted to be good for him. Good at this. She knew so very little about what they were about to embark on-what if he didn't enjoy himself? Or worse, what if she wasn't as good as the other girls he had been with? She could think of nothing more mortifying. "I'm..." She wrung her hands, looking down.

"If you have even a single doubt, we aren't doing this. I don't want you to ever have a regret." He assured her gently.

"It's not that..." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "I want to. I really do. It's just..." Oh, how could she voice her concerns? She felt a rush of heat coloring her cheeks.

Jack cocked his head in inquisition. "Just what, Elsa?"

"I'm afraid I won't be good for you. I'm afraid...I'm afraid I won't compare to the other girls." She blurted out quickly, hanging her head in complete embarrassment.

Jack didn't say anything for a moment, and she didn't hear him as he approached. She only felt him as his cool fingers drew her chin up so that he could look into her eyes. He had one brow raised, his confusion evident. "Other girls?"

She nodded, unable to find her voice.

"You think there's been other people?" He clarified.

Elsa nodded again.

"Oh Elsa." He shook his head, and when he looked at her again, she could see dim amusement in his eyes. He then placed a hand on her cheek, his thumb tracing the plump line of her lower lip. "Why would you think that?"

" always talk about my first time. I just...I thought that wasn't yours." She fumbled over her words, her embarassment continuing to grow.

"When I talk about your first time, it's because I want it to be perfect for you. You don't understand just how incredible you are, Elsa. You could have any man you want...and I wanted you to be sure...positive...that you wanted it to be me." He smiled softly. "I already know it would be perfect for me, because you're all I've ever wanted." He leaned down to brush her lips with a soft, gentle kiss. "I've never been with anyone, Elsa. All of your firsts have been my firsts too."

Elsa couldn't believe it. She knew it was difficult for people to see him, but she'd thought surely in 300 years that he'd have found someone. And how was he able to be so calm, so cool about it all? "Jack, how are you so relaxed about this? I feel like a bundle of nerves..."

"Oh, I'm freaking out. You just can't see." His hand fell from her cheek, and he entwined her fingers with his. Lifting her hand, he placed her palm against his chest. Beneath the blue fabric of his shirt, she could feel his heart hammering. "See?" His smile was gentle as he shrugged his shoulders, releasing her hand. "But I know it'll be great. We'll be great, because we're together."

A slow smile tugged at her lips. The butterflies were still swarming in her belly, but her fears had been laid to rest. They would learn together. "I want to do this with you Jack. If you still want to..."

"I'll always want to." He said, the tenderness in his voice making her heart melt.

Elsa stepped back, keeping her eyes on his as her hands moved to the straps of her gown. Slowly, she slipped one creamy shoulder from the fabric, then the other. Jack's eyes seemed to smolder as he watched her shimmy it down, past the curve of her breasts and the nip of her waist. With a final pull, the dress pooled at her feet with a whisper of fabric, leaving her clad only in her undergarments.

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