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The tour was a blur to Elsa...Tooth and North had ushered her to a large but cozy bedroom where she'd been told to leave her things. They'd wasted no time in whisking her off to show her the rest of the place, both of them talking quickly and excitedly. She answered questions about her kingdom, her family, and her friendship with Jack, and found the conversation flowed rather easily. She decided she liked North and Sandy almost immediately, and thought that with time perhaps she could even become friendly with Tooth.

Elsa had been intensely overwhelmed at all the Workshop had to offer. There were Yetis everywhere, working on gadgets and toys for the Christmas ahead. She was able to figure out what Jack had meant when he'd said the elves were special, but unlike the Yetis, she found them rather cute. The place was massive...it felt like it would take days to see it all, and likely, that was true.

They'd just finished showing her Toy Shop when North was paged by a growling Yeti. "Uh oh. Looks like we have a machine down. I'll catch up with you ladies in the kitchen. Sandy, would you lend a hand?"

The two disappeared into the chaos of the room, leaving Elsa to Tooth for company. "Well, I suppose we could start some coffee." Tooth suggested.

"That sounds great. I have a feeling I'll need it." Elsa agreed. In fact, she already did. She was exhausted...mentally, physically, and emotionally. If she ever hoped to get through the next few hours, she would need the boost only caffeine could offer.

As she followed Tooth, she kept an eye out for Jack. Her worry over him had continued to rise through the duration of her tour...she'd never seen him look so enraged as he had when he'd looked at Bunny earlier. Surely nothing good would come out of it, and she could only hope that the two would find a way to settle their differences peaceably.

She and Tooth talked as they prepared a plate of cookies and set the table with desert plates. The conversation was light and easy, both women even laughing as they went about the chore. When they finally sat to pour themselves a cup of coffee, Tooth reached forward to squeeze her hand. "I see why Jack thinks so highly of you, Elsa. I'm glad that we can be friends."

Elsa squeezed back, smiling warmly. "I am too, Tooth."

It wasn't long before North as Sandy joined, both filling their plates with desserts as they sat down. A few moments later, Bunny and Jack entered...both looking disheveled and moving as if they'd been hit by a wrecking ball.

"Jack! What happened!" Elsa exclaimed, beginning to rise from her seat.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay. Don't get up." Jack said, lowering himself gingerly into the place next to her.

"We're just dandy, lass. No worries." Bunny confirmed, taking a place by Sandy.

Elsa's eyes hadn't left Jack, concern etched on her features. His hair was more disheveled than its usual disarray, and he looked absolutely drained. "Are you sure...?"

"Positive." Jack told her, offering his usual smirk.

North chuckled, munching on a cookie. "Got it out of your systems now, boys?"

Elsa blinked at the bearded man, realization dawning on her. She had thought the rest had been oblivious to the tension between Jack and Bunny...but apparently not. Even Tooth had a knowing expression on her face, as if she'd expected no less from the two.

"You were fighting." Elsa said blankly.

Jack winced. "I really wouldn't call it fighting..."

"It was more like 'strongly disagreeing about a certain Queen's presence at the Pole'." Bunny elaborated, snatching a piece of carrot cake.

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